Prank Queen

105 8 5

prompt: you are Reece and Autumns little sister and decide to mess with them after not seeing them for a while

AN: not as long as my others but enjoy I kind of didn't know what to do for this 

You stood outside your sisters work and noticed that your brother was also at the nursery instead of his nursery that he managed, you looked at his car and came up with a plan to mess with them both, you quietly walked up the path to building and went inside making sure the door didn't slam behind you and creeped down the hallway making sure you wasn't seen by anyone and made your way down to the office and quickly looked in and saw that nobody was in there and you spotted your siblings car keys on the desk and you chuckled to yourself with how stupid they both were for leaving them on the desk, quickly grabbing the keys you left the office and walked quickly outside and rushed over to where Reece had parked his car and opened the door and climbed in before shutting the door and started the engine and made sure no one was watching you quickly drove his car and put it in a different spot, climbing out the car you quickly locked the car and did the same with Autumns car but parked it where Reece was originally parked before locking the car and quickly but quietly walked into the building with both sets of keys in your hand and made your way down to the soft play area, looking inside you saw it was empty and noticed the ball pit and buried Reeces keys at the bottom of it before making your way to the top of the climbing frame and placed Autumns at the very top so she would have to climb through the frame, once you was happy about the keys being hidden and nobody would move them you walked out the room and decided to go even further with messing with just Reece since he wouldn't kill you like Autumn would and made your way back to office and walked inside and saw it was still empty.

Entering the office you made your way to the computer and quickly uploaded a picture of Reece that you had on your phone, it was when you was little and made Reece dress up as a princess for your tea party and quickly printed off loads of copies of the picture before finding some tape and quickly got to work of going round the building and stuck the pictures around the building, once you was satisfied with your handy work, you left the building and moved your own car on to the main street before sitting in your car for a few minutes before walking up to the building leaving your car on the street and entered the building and heard "WHAT IN THE WORLD" being shouted from down the corridor which was followed by laughter coming from different people, since nobody knew you it was even better since they wouldn't know it was you had done anything until your siblings said anything, creeping down the corridor you saw your sister, brother and saw 3 other people all laughing at the pictures you kept watching making sure nobody saw you before you see them all make their way to the office. Following at a distance you see them enter the office and heard more laughter which was quickly followed by "where are my keys" coming from Reece which was followed by your sister saying "mine are gone as well" walking closer to the door you see a brunette reaching for the note you had left "uhh Reece, Autumn you might want to read this" the brunette says before hearing your sister say "time for some fun, hope you both like to run, if you don't find what you seek you will be running tonight" soon you heard "what is going on" come from Reece "there is something on the back" you heard Autumn say and hear her sigh before hearing "Autumn, Reece what you seek is in the building, look high and low, Reece you might want to go for a dive whilst Autumn get ready to climb" come from Reece and you slowly move back down the hallway when you heard them come out the office "Autumn what do we have in the building that you climb and Reece what do you dive in that we have in the building" you hear Mia say since you grew up with her you recognised her voice but you haven't seen her since you was 14 and you was now 24 so you knew she wouldn't recognise you if she saw you "soft play" you hear them both say and heard them run off to the soft play.

Keeping hidden you follow at a distance and see all of them enter the room and heard "good look Autumn, I see your keys but whoever got up there wanted to mess with you but Reece I don't see your keys" you heard a voice say and poke your head around the door to see Autumn beginning to climb the soft play frame and see Reece climbing into the ball pit you slowly pull out your phone and take pictures of your siblings before stifling your laugh but froze when you heard "what was that noise" come from inside the room, risking it you poke your head in the room but quickly moved when you heard "Reece I know who did this" come from you sister "who was it" you heard Reece ask and smirked when you heard "the prank queen" come from your sister and you waltzed into the room at that very moment "what is going on here" you say and see the 3 people near the door jump and saw your siblings turn to you and narrow their eyes at you and watched as they climbed out of the ball pit and down the climbing frame which you just take a picture of "have fun" you say before waving and rushing out the room before hearing "GET YOUR ARSE BACK HERE" coming from your sister and heard footsteps chasing you and looking behind you see Autumn and Reece chasing you but since you was smaller than them both you quickly loose them and made your way back on yourself and headed back towards the soft play room and quickly climbed the frame and just hang up there and you see them rush past the room.

Taking a picture you sent it to your siblings with the caption 'come find me' and heard their phones chime and see them enter the room with everyone else "hey guys" you say to them and see everyone look up at you "get down here now" Autumn says to you but you shake your head "nope, do you really think I just hid your keys, might want to go check on your precious cars" you says in a taunting voice and see them both look at each other before rushing out the room and once you knew they was out the room you quickly climbed down the frame and followed behind them ignoring everyone looking at you, you walked into the office and saw them both stood outside looking for their cars which caused you too laugh at them and see them turn to window when they saw you stood at the window and you just pointed at their cars and see them glare at you and make their way back into the building. Sitting at Autumns desk you spin in the chair and smile when you see them enter the office "have fun" you ask them when they turn to you "that wasn't funny" you heard Reece say to you "ohh but it was, lets call it payback for last week Reece cup" you say to him and saw him chuckle "mess with him all you want but why mess with me" Autumn says to you and you turn to her "you was collateral damage kind of, got to mess with you both, I know how sensitive you are over your car" you say with a smirk on your face "what have we learnt" you ask them "not to mess with the prank queen" they both say to you and standing up you walk over to them "never forget it" you say before leaving the office but quickly walked back in "ohh, Reece them pictures are all over the building" you say before quickly running out the office with Reece on your heels and since he was close you feel him grab you from behind and throws you over his shoulder and back to the office "Aut, what should we do with the nugget" he says holding you tighter when you tried to get away "ball pit" is all you hear from Autumn and you feel him walk out the office and you see Autumn and everyone else follow behind before they watched with wide eyes when you swung yourself backwards got out of Reeces grip "nice try brother" you say which caused everyone to gasp at what you said.

You looked past Reece to see Mia staring at you "Y/N/N is that you" she says and you nod your head before seeing her run towards you and picks you up and spins around with you "you've gotten so grown up" she says to you before letting you go "who is this" you hear the brunette ask and see Autumn look at her "Marjorie, Winter meet Y/N she is mine and Reeces little sister, she doesn't really come to the buildings because her and father don't get along, she is 24 and does her own thing to annoy father" Autumn introduces you to the 2 people you didn't know "hi, nice to meet you both" you say before walking over to Autumn "well it was fun to mess with you both, however I knew that ball pit wasn't deep so don't go throwing people in to it" you say wrapping your arms around her before turning to Marjorie "I don't get along with father is more down to me not caring to what he says, he tried to get me to work for him so I set up my own company and he has hated me ever since, I don't really care about what he thinks, he hasn't liked me since I was little, these 3 practically raised me" you say and gesture to your siblings and Mia before moving away "anyway, I must get going my husband is waiting for me at home" you say and start to walk away before hearing "HUSBAND, WHEN DID YOU GET MARRIED" being shouted by your siblings "I got married 2 years ago, we eloped that's why you don't know" you say and quickly left the building and rushed to your car and drove of to your home leaving your siblings in shock at what you revealed. 

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