Mama Bear

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Prompt: Don't mess with Chef 

Sitting at home resting after tidying and working from home when you heard your phone ring and you saw it was your sons nursery ringing "hello" you say down the phone and placed your hand on your stomach and rubbed when you felt a kick under your hand "hi Y/N, its Aiden he's had a little fall and bumped his head, I have him with me since he refused to go to anyone else" you hear Autumn's voice come down the phone and you jumped up of the couch the fastest you can with a 6 month pregnant belly and moved to grab your keys and shoes "I'm on the way" you say quickly down the phone and leave the house locking the door behind you and quickly climbing into your car "he is on the way" she says to you and you quickly say goodbye down the phone and quickly drive to your sons nursery. Arriving at the nursery you climb out your car before quickly entering the building and waddled to the office moving quicker when you heard your sons little cries coming from the office, entering the office you see your 3 year old son sat on Autumns lap crying and saw her holding a gel pack on his forehead moving further into the room you made Autumn aware of your presence "baby what happened" you say and gently take the little boy from Autumn and cuddled him close to your chest the best you can with a bump in the way and rocked him and gently removed the gel pack and saw the little bump on his head and softly kissed it "Autumn what happened" you ask the woman and moved to sit down in front of her "he was running and tripped on the carpet and bumped his head on the floor, he wouldn't settle and I was entering the room and saw it happen and he ran to me and wouldn't let me out him down" she explains to you what happened and you nodded at her and gently wiped your sons tears and saw he was calming down "you feeling better now baby" you ask him and saw him nod his little head before stiffening when you heard "want mumma, mama" come from him. 

Looking at Autumn who looked at you with a smirk on her face but quickly realised what he said and that smirk quickly vanished of her face "please tell me you told her" you asked Autumn and sighed when you saw her shake her head you, standing up when Marjorie walked into the room you turned to the brunette who looked shocked at you being in the office "hi, you here to pick Aiden up" Marjorie asked you "yes I just need to sign the accident form, but could you ask chef to come to the office I need to speak to her" you ask Marjorie and saw her look at you confused about your request "I can but what is it regarding" she asked you "just tell her its peaches" you say to her and saw her grab the phone and dial the number for the kitchen "hey chef, I have someone in the office who would like to talk you she said something about peaches" you heard Marjorie say and saw her hold the phone away from her ear and put the phone down "I'm guessing she is on the way" you heard Marjorie say and you nod your head at her before hearing "WHAT HAPPENED" being screamed by your angry wife and she burst in to the office and saw her looking around before her eyes landed on you and Aiden "what happened, why am I only being told now" she asked in rapid succession and walked closer to you and gently rubbed the little boy back "Aiden, look who it is" you whisper to the 3 year old and moved him so he could see who was next to you "mumma" you heard him whisper and you gently passed him over to your wife and counted to three in your head before hearing "WHAT" being shouted by Marjorie who quickly stopped when your wife glared at her "babe, stop with the glaring" you say to her and saw her stop glaring.

You sat down when you felt your back start to ache and smirked when you saw Autumn slowly try to hid from your wife "what happened" you heard your wife ask and you turned to her "he tripped on the carpet and bumped his head, he wouldn't calm down and here we are" you say to her and had to hold in your laughter when she turned to Autumn and Marjorie "you both knew and neither of you both thought to check his paper work to see who is contacts are and Autumn why didn't you come get me" you heard her growl out and you knew Autumn and Marjorie were about to get one very angry mumma bear and you decide to let her go at them since Autumn knew she was close by and still didn't get her "babe, pass me Aiden then you can go at them" you say and reach for your son and take him of her and sat back to watch her unleash her mumma bear on the two women and smirked when you saw Autumn and Marjorie both slowly back away from the angry chef, turning your attention to your son you noticed that he was no longer crying and decided to get him out the room "shall we go see auntie Siobhan" you whisper to him and leave the room giving your wife a kiss as passed by and carry Aiden down to your sisters office and waltzed in to see her typing away on her computer "hey sis" you say and saw her look up at you "hi Y/N, what's wrong little man" she asked Aiden and you gently passed your son to her "someone had a bump to the head and well my dear wife is unleashing her mumma bear since nobody told her and rang me instead" you explain to her and sit down on the couch that was in her office and rubbed your bump smiling when you felt a kick in return "wait what" you heard you sister say and look t her and just nodded your head at her and listened to your wife screaming at the two women in the room further down the hall.

Back in the office Chef had turned to the two women and just glared at them "why did you not come get me Autumn" she says calmly at first to the woman in front of her "sorry chef but I know how you and Y/N haven't really let people know that you are together and have a son" Autumn says to her and that made her very angry "I don't care about that, if my son hurts himself whilst at nursery then you better come get me first and then ring my wife, I'm literally down the hall from him and yet you didn't come get me" she says to the brunette woman before turning to Marjorie "next time look at both parents contacts and you would have realised that I was down the hall" she says getting more angry when she thought about her son wanting her and nobody came and got her "our son wanting me or Y/N comes before any secret we have between ourselves, Autumn you are Aiden's godmother you should have come get me, I'm so angry at you both and I would gladly go back to prison if I didn't have my wife, son and unborn child to go home too" she says and just glares at them both "DO YOU BOTH UNDERSTAND WHAT TO DO NEXT TIME" she screams and finally calms down when she had finished screaming the last sentence and at the pair and calmed down fully when she felt you touch her back and she looked over her shoulder and saw you back in the room and smiled when she saw her sister in-law carrying her son "come to mumma" she whispered and took Aiden of Siobhan and cradled him to her chest "I'm done for the day, I will be taking my son and wife home" she says to Autumn and Marjorie who nodded their heads at her.

You watched your wife tell her bosses off and you had to hold back a chuckle but quickly had to laugh when your sister walked over to Autumn and slapped her up the side of the head "use your brain next time" you heard Siobhan say to Autumn and just watched as she slapped her again "feel better Siobhan" you ask her and see her nod at you and your wife "your wife is scary but a pissed of auntie bear and mumma bear should make them both realise that they were both stupid for not thinking about looking in Aiden's folder or just do what is right when you know that they are in the building" Siobhan says and walks out the room and back to her office "you ready to go home babe" you asked your wife and saw her nod at you and felt her gently leads you out the room whilst carrying your son but you see her stop and turn to Marjorie and Autumn "your back on the list" she seethes at them before turning to walk out the room and you just chuckled at her antics knowing at home she was a big softy "you threatened them about you willing to go back to prison, didn't you" you ask her and saw her nod at the question and held the door open for you to leave the building and walked you to your car and buckled Aiden into his car seat and helped you into your seat before getting into the drivers seat and you saw her calm down when she saw you were both in the car safe and quickly set off home. 

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