Child Part 2

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TW: throwing up, SA mentioned only 

After the picnic and everyone found out you had a child, you moved Lilly to the sister nursery that Reece managed and everyone loved seeing Lilly, the one thing that shocked you was how closer you got to Autumn and Winter over the last 2 months, they made sure that you was okay and that Lilly had everything she needed even though they knew that you would always make sure your daughter had everything she needed before yourself, the couple even made sure to babysit a couple of times as well so you could have some free time to yourself which you found weird the first not used to having free time to do what you want to do. You were gathering your things to leave work when Autumn walked into the staff room "hey Aut" you say to the woman and you see her walk over to where you was stood "if you're up to it, I'm picking up you and Lilly tomorrow and we are going to go shopping" she tells you "you don't have to take us shopping and I was planning of just having a quiet day in tomorrow with Lilly" you tell her you had being feeling off during the day but just thought it was because you was tired "that's fine, let me know if you change your mind" Autumn says to you before giving you a quick hug and you returned the hug and left to go pick up Lilly.

Autumn watched as you left the staff room and she saw her husband walk in "my love, you ready to go" Winter says to her "yes my sweet, I just need to grab my bag" Autumn says to Winter and they both leave the staff room and head to the office so Autumn could grab her belonging before they left the building "my sweet, you was with Y/N today wasn't you" Autumn asked Winter whilst climbing into the car "yes my love I was, why do you ask" Winter says and watched as Autumn start the car and head of in the direction of their home "has she been her normal self or has she been more quiet" she asked Winter whilst paying attention to the roads "she has been more quiet but she has been like that for a couple of weeks though, I've noticed she has been more jumpy" Winter says and had to brace himself when Autumn slammed on the breaks of the car "what do you mean, why I haven't I noticed that something was wrong has anyone else noticed, we see her more than the others" Autumn asked in shock and quickly turned the car around and headed towards where you lived "well my love, she is good at hiding things form people, look how she hid the information of having a child, but when she's in the room she lets her guard down slightly and I noticed she is more quiet, I don't think anyone else has noticed though" Winter explains and he sees Autumn pulling up in front of the house that you lived in and they both got out the car and walked up to the front door and Autumn knocked on the door and they waited it for it to be opened.

Inside the house you had got Lilly settled into her playpen when you over came with nausea, you ran into the downstairs bathroom and bent over the toilet and started to throw up, after a few minutes you stand up and rinse your mouth and flush the toilet and leave the bathroom heading back to the living room but quickly walked to the front door when you heard the doorbell ring, opening the door you was shocked to see Autumn and Winter stood at the threshold "not that I mind but what are you doing here" you ask the pair whilst letting them in and closed the door behind them before rushing off to the bathroom again when you felt the nauseous feeling come back, you heard footsteps follow behind you but quickly ignore them when you are bent over the toilet throwing up again and you feel someone rub your back and move your hair out of you face "its okay, let it out" you heard a soothing voice say and after a few minutes you move back from the toilet and slowly stand up with the persons help and you realise it was Autumn helping you up "thanks Aut" you whisper whilst flushing the toilet again and rinsing your mouth again "its fine, let's get you back to the couch to rest" she tells you and helps you walk into the living room and the sight you see makes you smile when you see Winter playing airplanes with Lilly, by you and Autumn walking into the living makes him stop "don't stop, she enjoys it" you say and sit on the couch watching Winter go back to playing with Lilly.

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