Morning Talk

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Prompt: you and your wife have a little talk in the morning

You wake up and smiled when you saw your wife was fast asleep and you was happy that she was getting some rest knowing she had been busy with work and looking after you, sitting up slowly trying not to wake her up but soon sighed in defeat when you saw her sitting up and reached for her glasses "you okay my love" you heard her say in a groggy voice and look over to you "go back to sleep babe" you say to her softly and reach out to run your hands through her brown hair "I'm up know" you heard her say and see her also sit up against the headboard "you need your rest, I was just sitting up, bubba is kicking and woke me up I was trying not to wake you" you say to and lean over to kiss her on the lips, smiling into the kiss when you felt her reach and rub your stomach with one hand "he is very excited this morning" you heard her say "he is indeed, and he caused his mama to wake up his mummy" you say whilst yawning before leaning back into your pillows that your wife had moved for you so that your back was supported "2 more weeks and he will be here" you heard her say in an excited tone "he can come anytime, I will not complain" you say when you felt a powerful kick come from your son inside you "he will come when he's ready" you heard her say and watched as she rolled onto her side and moved to be level with your pregnant bump and you reached with your hand and started to run your fingers through her hair.

You watched as your wife moved so she was closer to your bump and you watched her stroke the side of your bump and you winced when you felt kicks being placed in return "babe, I know your being sweet and all but please don't rile him up this early" you ask her nicely and saw her turn and nod at you "sorry my love" she whispers to you which caused you to sigh "play and interact with him but maybe with the less kicking involved" you say to her and watched as she placed her hand on top your bump "hi my little prince, it's mummy here" you heard her say to your stomach and you fall silent hoping she would carry on talking if she thought you wasn't fully listening "now little prince, we can play but you don't need to kick mama okay, how about I tell you about your family, so me and your mama are only children but you have many aunts and 2 uncles who are very excited to meet you, so you have your aunts Autumn, Sorscha, Carly, Mia and Charlotte, your aunt Autumn will protect you from everything she can seem scary but she is more bark than bite sometimes, then you have you aunts Sorscha, Carly and Charlotte they will also protect you but they will make sure that you have everything you need and you will be spoilt my little prince, and then you have your aunt Mia and now me and your aunt Mia didn't get along at first but now she is family, she is very protective of the ones she loves and like your aunt Autumn she will make sure you are protected and nothing will hurt you" you hear talk to your bump and you felt your eyes well up but held them back because you wanted to hear what else she was going to say, you didn't stop running your fingers through her hair and smiled when she carried on talking "now we have your uncles Reece and Winter, your uncle Winter is married to your aunt Autumn and he will teach you all about poetry and show you the best music that he likes and your uncle Reece well he's so excited to have a little buddy to show the stars too and teach someone all about the galaxies, he might seem tough but your uncle Reece is a big teddy bear when it comes to his family he is also your aunt Autumns older brother" you heard her explain who everyone is and you felt your tears fall but didn't move to wipe them "and now we come to most important person in my life apart from you little prince and that is your mama, your mama is the most amazing and smartest person I know, she always puts other first and make sure that mummy doesn't forget anything, she has the most beautiful singing voice and I always love to catch her singing to you when she doesn't know I'm listening to her, your mama is so pretty and watching her look and protect you these last few months has made me proud to call her my wife, she has taken every thing you have thrown at her in her own stride even though she is on bed rest to make sure you are safe inside her until you are ready to meet us, she hasn't complained once knowing it's to keep you safe little prince" you heard her say whilst stroking your bump and if you wasn't crying before you certainly was now.

Moving slightly but not enough to get her attention you decide to join in on the conversation "your mummy has forgotten one other important person little one, your mummy is the most selfless person I have ever met, these last few week whilst mama has been on bedrest looking after you, your mummy has been running around after mama, making sure mama has everything she needs and she also has been working constantly as well and making sure the nursery she manages run smoothly and all whilst dealing with parents who like to complain and make her life harder, your mummy does it all with a smile and you little one are so lucky to have her as your mummy and I know I'm lucky to call her my wife" you whisper and place your other hand on top of your wife's hand and looked down to see her staring at you with tears in her eyes "Jorie, don't get emotional, I meant every word I just said" you whisper to her and stroke her back "I love you Y/N" she whispers to you "I love you too Marjorie" you whisper back and turn to your bump "and we both love you little one" you say to your bump and where your hands were joined on your stomach you both felt a swift kick being placed "I think he loves us" you hear Marjorie whisper to you which makes you laugh loudly "I think so too" you say to her, and shift so you are on your side since being on your back for long periods hurts after a while.

Seeing Marjorie move up so you were looking in her eyes, you feel her wipe your tears away that were still falling and you gently take her hand and give it a kiss before leaning down to take her lips into a bruising kiss and felt her sink into the kiss before you slowly moved backwards "I mean it, you have been amazing looking after me whilst I'm in bed and running around your work every day, I have slowly fallen in more love with you over the last 9 months especially over the last few weeks and I can't wait to see you with our little boy when he decides to make his appearance" you say softly and see her wipe her tears away and you wrap your arms around her and bring her closer to you and start to rub her back and run your fingers through her hair and you smile when you hear her yawn "get some rest, we haven't got any plans so we can just have a slow start" you say to her and feel her lean back onto the pillows and you watch as her eyes slowly start to fall closed and soon you heard her soft snores coming from her. You lay on your side and watched her sleep and was happy that she was getting the rest she needed, you felt your son move before feeling the kick that shortly followed "you know its getting cramped in there, you will soon be getting evicted" you say quietly to your bump and watched it move with the movements of your son "yes, this is your 14 day notice mr, you either come early or arrive on time but no staying in there longer than 14 days" you say seriously to your bump and just laughed when you got a kick in response in return, turning back to your sleeping wife you couldn't wait to see her with your little boy and you knew she was excited about him coming soon and couldn't wait to show him the safari themed nursery that you had both decorated together "you are one lucky boy" you say softly whilst stroking your bump and soon you joined your wife in the land of sleeping and wrapped your arms around her and gently settled against the pillows and dreamed about your son and wife. 

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