Getting To Know Eachother

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After the little conversation in the kitchen, all the boys came downstairs and we all sat in the big, spacious living room.

"So what are your hobbies?" The boy with the snapback on says. I think his name is Tobi.

"I like to read and write. Im not really good at singing or drawing or anything like that," I say awkwardly. (Basically me)

The boys and I continued sharing small facts about eachother. Josh mentioned a girl named Freya. She sounds awesome. I cant wait to meet her.

All of them are in a youtube group called The Sidemen. Jenny at the orphanage always talked about them.

The boys seem nice and I feel like I can start to trust them.

This was more like a filler chapter so I can show how they are starting to get to know eachother. Sorry I havent updated in a while. I have been very busy with school. A fact about me is that I am a huge fan of One Direction. On my last story I talked about them a lot in author's notes. I love them all equally but if I had to choose one, it would be Louis because he is so cute and kind and he has a very unique voice that I love. Anyways, if you started school, I hope it goes well. It hasnt been going well for me. My science presentation went terrible but I somehow got a 100%. Have a fantastic week!

P.S. Most of the time the media pictures will be random things that have nothing to do with the story. The picture for this chapter is the
Niall River. Ba dum tsss.

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