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Later that day, we all went back home and all the boys were there. Apparently they ordered pizza so we are all hanging out tonight.

I am really not in the mood for food. Plus, I havent had time to process today's events.

The boys wouldnt let me be anti-social so they forced me to stay with them in the kitchen while waiting for the pizza.

I could feel Harry staring at me the whole time. He must have still been worried from my nightmare earlier.

The doorbell rings and the pizza is here.

Next thing I know is that the boys are stuffing their faces with pizza while I feel like vomiting.

I feel like vomiting for many reasons. For example, the fact that I just got flipping beat up today.

Do you know that feeling where everything is just terrible and you feel like you are going to be sick? That is exactly how I feel right now.

"Why dont you have some pizza," Tobi says to me, only making me feel more sick at the thought of food.

"Im not very hungry," I reply nonchalantly.

"You havent eaten all day," Harry says with a sad expression.

"I just... I dont.... Im not hungry ok!?" I say raising my voice. Now I feel really sick.

I get up and run to the nearest bathroom. I fall to the ground and let all the contents of my stomach out into the toilet. It burns my throat and it only causes tears to fall down my cheeks.

I feel a hand pull my hair out of my face and another rub circles on my back.

I look up to see Simon. He has a sad smile on my face.

"It's ok baby girl," he says as I feel like puking again and turn back to the toilet.

After the second round of vomiting was over, I wiped my mouth on my sleeve and sat back against the wall.

Josh hands me a glass of water and I gladly take it. It feels so soothing on my burning throat.

Well this was an eventful dinner.

Ok this is gonna be an oddly long A/N because I havent updated in forever and I have a lot to say.


Story time!
Today, after school, pleasefolieadont and I were walking to the buses together and these kids behind us were fooling around. So one of them bumped into me. No, it wasnt a small bump, it was more like a rough shove and this caused me to stumble into my friend. She flew into a pole because of that. And I am not over exagerrating when I say that she flew. It was a very strong shove. I looked at the kid who shoved me and gave him a very strong glare. You wanna know what he said to me. He said, "watch where you're going". I was so close to cussing him out. You probably dont know this about me but I am a little choleric and I will defend myself. In that moment, I took a deep breath and turned away. Seriously, I was so mad. I wasnt even mad at what he said, I was mad at the fact it caused my friend to fly face first into a pole. I was just so angry. Anyone else experience something this arrogant?

Anyway, I hope you have a great day/night. Time for homework. :((((

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