Oh Snap

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"Are you ok," Harry asks.

"Are you bloody serious? Do I look ok!? I am so sick and tired of everything! Im just at that point in life where I dont even care. I used to question why other people had perfect lives and why mine is so fucking messed up. Now I know that I just wasnt meant to live in this world. I have tried everything to have a normal life. I feel bad for everyone that knows me because im a freaking failure. I have been too strong for too fucking long. I was being bent and twisted. Now im broken. I am done with everything and everyone. I hate almost everyone. I hate myself," I shout, as tears pour down ny face. The boys just stare at me in shock.

Simon is the first to make a move. He walks towards me slowly and picks me up off the ground bridal style. I immediately feel the pain in my ribs from the girls beating me up. I yelp and jump out of his arms and land on the floor with a loud and painful thud.

"Alex!! Are you alright. Did I hurt you when I picked you up," Simon panics.

I only cry harder. I dont want them to know.

"Alex. Why are you in pain," Vik says with a stern yet worried tone.

"I-I cant tell," I whimper, controlling my tears a bit. Simon rubs circles on my back.

"Hun, you need to tell us so we can make you feel better," Vik says sympathetically.

"I-I can only tell Harry," I sigh. He is the only one that knows about Rebecca and it will stay that way.

The boys exchange glances and then nod to eachother. They all leave the room except Harry. He scoots right next to me and pulls me in his lap. I rest my head on his chest.

He doesnt rush me into explaining anything. He just gives me the time to prepare. That is one thing I love about him. As a brother of course. Or maybe I am developing a little crush on him.

"Rebecca and her sister, who is my bully at school, beat me up at the park," I blurt out. Harry pauses for a moment and nods.

"I dont know what we are gonna do, Alex," he whispers.

"Me niether."

Hola. Ok I have a few things to talk about. First of all, sorry the chapter is kinda short. Secondly, the media is an actual representation of my appearance. Next, I thought of a new Sidemen fanfic idea. I dont know if I should start it or wait until this book is over. I planned on making this book longer than usual so maybe I should have 2 stories at once. Let me know what you think I should do!!! Lastly, THE WALKING DEAD OMG IF YOU WATCH IT LET ME KNOW SO WE CAN FANGIRL/BOY.

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