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"what were you thinking!?" vik asks me angrily as he pulls out of the school parking lot.

"i was thinking that i was gonna defend myself! she lied! she threw the food on me first," i reply. i am really mad right now.

"there were witnesses, alex. they all said that you started it," vik says.

"they freaking lied! they are just scared of her," i said.

"alex, im not gonna argue. we will discuss this with the others when we get home," he sighs and the rest of the car ride is silent.


vik made me wait in the living room while he went to get the others.

vik, simon, josh, and jj are the only ones here. once we are all sitting in the living room, they start to bombard me with questions.

"all im gonna say is that she lied and i am not in the mood right now," i say sending them glares.

"why. alex, just tell us why," simon begs. i just stay silent. i already told them that i didnt do anything.

"answer us," josh says. i just fold my arms and look at the wall in front of me.

"answer us or your punishment will be way worse," vik warns.

"i dont give a shit," i say in a monotone voice.

"watch your language young lady!" jj yells. i roll my eyes.

"fine. your grounded for 3 weeks. 1 for throwing food on the girl at school. 1 for uncooperating with us. and 1 for cussing. no cell phone. just reading. for 3 weeks," vik says.

"are you being serious!? thats not fair!" i protest.

"you have been very disrespectful. now give me your phone and go to your room and do your homework. maybe you need more work too," simon says this time. these guys literally have no chill.

i sighed and gave them my phone. i grabbed my backpack and ran upstairs and slammed the door.

this is gonna be a long 3 weeks.

sorry its a terrible chapter. fun fact js that last year, i passed out during science. yes, it was very embarrasing. have an awesome week. i have had a terrible week.

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