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I tried to keep my distance from JJ for a while. He told Rebecca about my past when he knew I was totally not ok with it.

I could tell JJ was becoming confused as to why I was ignoring him or responding with one word answers because he looked guilty, like he had done something wrong. Technically, he did.

"Why arent you talking to me?" JJ asked with a very dramatic pout. JJ and I were in Simon's room watching him edit a video.

"Because...," I trailed off, not sure if I wanted to tell him yet.

"That isnt a very helpful answer," he replied with a fake teenage girl annoyed look on his face.

"Uh, well... you see... Im mad at you for something you told someone," I manage to say, partially stuttering.

"Elaborate," JJ pushes.

"You told Rebecca my past, ok!? Now you know," I raise my voice and lie back on Simon's bed in frustration.

"Um. No I did not," he replies with a confused expression.

"Pretty sure you did. She told me," I sigh.

"She lied then. I wonder why she would say that," he questions himself.

Well she would say that because she fooking hates me! I think but dont say out loud.

Now that I know she lied, it makes me feel much better now but also confused on how she found out about my past.

I also feel a bit guilty for ignoring JJ and he definitely notices because he starts tickling me.

"Dont be sad, Alex!" He shouts. I burst into laughter and try to squirm away but he has a strong grip on me.

"Stop! Hahahah!" I shout. I can hear Simon laughing from his desk. Wow, we probably look like idiots.

Then, JJ tickles a spot on my ribs that is still very sore from Christina and Rebecca beating me up.

I yelp out in pain and JJ immediately stops and gasps. Simon looks over, too.

"Did I hurt you!? Im so sorry!" JJ panics.

"No, no! I just... Uh.... Erm.... I fell down the stairs the other day and im in pain still," I lie. JJ and Simon exchange a glance. I know that they know im lying but it was worth a shot.

JJ hestitates before turning to me and nodding in an understanding way.

Hola muchachalatas. How has your day been. I am sorry for the super slow updates. Im just focusing on school a bit because exams are in January. Next week, we start winter break so I have many projects/presentations. I hope you have a stress free week!!!

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