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the rest of the week went awfully slow. harry made sure to check on me and i obviously lied about my emotions so he wouldnt have to worry. he thinks that im happy now when im actually bruised, shattered, and broken. im actually drowning in my own thoughts and all the rude and mean things that i hear people say to me.

recently, jj got a girlfriend and her name is rebecca. jj says so many positive things about her so im really excited to meet her. she is coming over in about an hour.

josh says that freya, his girlfriend, is out of town with her family for the next week so he doesnt know when i will be able to meet her.

i get out my journal amd i start writing.

dear diary,
christina isnt the only one bullying me now. a lot of kids have caught on. its like im standing in the middle of the rain, in a puddle and slowly, the puddle grows and just envelops me and everyone else cant see that im slowly drowning, but i am. everyone is too busy worrying about themselves that they dont notice the people who are drowning. maybe im just paranoid. maybe im going insane. i dont know anymore. i just need that one person to pull me out of the water. that one person who will bring me back to life.

i close my journal amd stuff it in the top desk drawer. i get up off of the light wooden chair and i walk downstairs where i find jj pacing in circles in the living room.

"are you alright?" i ask, concerned.

he jumps and lets out a little shriek, he didnt see me walk into the room. once he realizes that its me, he says, "yeah, just nervous about rebecca meeting all of you."

"dont worry jj. she will love us and we will love her," i assure him. he nods in response.


as soon as the doorbell rings, jj is up from his seat and sprinting towards the front door. i let out a chuckle and follow him.

"hey babe!" he says to her and engulfs her into a hug. once they pull apart, she turns directly to me.

"who is this beautiful young lady?" she asks jj.

"this beautiful young lady is alex," jj replies, looking like a proud dad. i laugh and wave awkwardly. she is truly beautiful. she has short, blonde hair amd she has a beautiful body shape.

she pulls me into a tight hug and i hug back.

"im rebecca," she says softly.

"i know. jj has told me so much about you," i respond. she smiles sweetly in response and goes to introduce herself to the boys.


"im currently reading All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven," i tell rebecca.

"i have always wanted to read that! can i see it?" she gasps.

"sure," i reply and get up to go to my room and she follows, leaving the boys in the living room.

once we get to my room, i grab the book off of my desk and show it to her.
she grabs the book and throws it on the floor. (i do not encourage this) wow what is wrong with her? i thought she wanted to see it.

"what was th-," she cuts me off by placing her small hand over my mouth.

"jj is freaking mine. stay away from him. if you dont, then you are gonna be in so much trouble. and dont think that i dont know who you are," she spits out. what the actual heck. what does she mean she knows who i am.

"i dont know who you are," i whisper, scared that she will get angry and hurt me.

"you're the bitch that messed with my sister at her school," she says like im supposed to know that. this is christina's sister, isnt it. oh no.

"just stay away from jj and christina and i wont be as mean to you as i am going to be. and dont tell anyone about this little talk, or you will greatly regret it," she mutters. then she skips out of my room, leaving me absolutely speechless.

what am i gonna do!?

hello! i got a C on my reading test and now i still dont regret not studying. have an awesome week and learn new things.

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