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harry picks me up from school today.

"how was school?" he asks while i get into the car.

"it was fun," i lie. but the rest of the car ride is silent.

when we get home, i go to my room and start to do my homework.

the first problem is:

1. dan has 108 cookies that he needs to share with 9 friends. how many cookies will each friend get? (yes i know thats like third grade work but just go with it)

thats great that all dan has to worry about is giving his friends an equal amount of cookies. i wish thats all that i had to worry about in life.


after i finish my homework, i sit down on my bed and let my thoughts take over.

christina is right. those words that she said to me. the names that she called me.



all of those hurt but that last one hurt the most. i knew that people wouldnt like me. nobody does. maybe the boys dont really love me. maybe they are gonna give me back to that orphanage because im ugly and worthless.

"alex, we got nando's!" a voice interupts me from my thoughts.

"im not hungry," i reply nonchalantly until my voice cracks and i realize that im crying.

"are you ok?" the person asks. i think it's harry. i dont reply because im scared that my voice will crack again.

harry comes into my room and he runs over to me and embraces me when he sees the tears on my cheeks.

"what's wrong baby?!" he asks while holding me tight.

"im not ok. i promise," i mumble into his chest. (mcr reference;) )

"tell me what's wrong," he begs. i decide to give in because if i dont tell him, its only gonna get worse.

"this girl at school bullied me today and said some rude things to me," i say, trying not to choke on my own sobs.

"baby girl, dont listen to her. she is just jealous of your beauty and personality," he assures. he is totally wrong. im not beautiful and i have a shitty personality. i just cry harder into his chest.

"it will get better," he adds.

"that's the worst thing to say to someone," i say, trying to control my tears.

"and why is that?" he questions while rubbing my back.

"because it's a lie," i reply.

heyo! fear the walking dead season finale was on tonight and i didnt even watch it yet. do any of you like twd or ftwd? no spoilers please! tomorrow is monday and im sad.

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