harry knows again

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(picture is dan howell just in case you were wondering:D )

i was now laying in my warm, cozy bed. i was about to doze off into a peaceful sleep when harry ran in my room and started jumping on my bed.

i groaned and tried to kick him off but he was just too hyper.

"harold, stop," i muttered before throwing a pillow at him.

"ow," he said nonchalantly before calming down and sitting on the edge of my bed.

"i came to ask you something," he said and stroked the hair out of my face.

"and what would that be?" i say while giving him an annoyed look.

"what happened," he said in the most dramatic voice ever. i sigh knowing that i wont get out of this one.

"if i tell you the truth, will you promise not to tell anybody?" i ask raising one eyebrow.

"depends on what happened," he replies. i give him a facial expression that shows im annoyed/done/tired. (i did this expression once because someone pushed me out of the way and my friend snorted)

"ok fine i promise," he gives in.

"remember when i said i got bullied," i paused and he nodded, "well the girl who bullied me is rebecca's sister. and rebecca threatened me and slapped me. that is why i ran away that one time."

harry stares at me in astonishment. i wouldnt blame him. rebecca looks as innocent as a panda bear eating bamboo with her children. very innocent.

"i-im so sorry," he says and hugs me awkwardly because i was still laying down.

"please dont tell jj. i dont want to ruin his relationship. he is so happy with her," i beg. he pulls a little bit away and looks me in the eye. he thinks for a minute and gives an uncertain nod.

i cant believe i told harry my secret, again!

the walking dead. i have 5 words for you: i cried for two hours. i freaking love this show.

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