oh no. they found out

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"hey, babe. im so sorry but you gotta wake up," i hear a voice say. i groan in response.

"you have been sleeping for a long time. you need to wake up," i hear a different voice say. they start shaking me but i just roll over and put my pillow over my head.

"what is this," i hear another voice say. it sounds like Josh.

"oh my gosh. alex, wake up now," vik says in a stern voice. why did they get so serious? i let my curiosity take over and i open my eyes to see what they are so concerned about.

when i open my eyes, i see vik, josh, and simon staring at me with sympathy. im about to ask why they are acting like this but then i see josh holding the blade that i had dropped last night. i forgot to put it away. oh no. they found out.

"alex, were you hurting yourself?" vik asked as i sit up in bed and he sits next to me.

"no. no. no. i didnt. i promise. i was going to but i didnt," i blurt out, trying not to stutter. i will not allow myself to cry.

"i believe you," vik says and hugs me. i bury my head into his chest.

"but you have to tell me why you were going to do it," he adds in a soft voice. he starts rubbing up and down on my back. i cant tell him. i cant tell him about rebecca.

"i-," i pause and pull away from vik and look at simon and josh and then i look at the floor, "i cant."

"why not?" simon asks.

"i just cant. dont worry about it," i reply, once again, forcing my tears back.

vik, simon, and josh exchange looks with eachother.

"ok," vik says, clearly not happy with my answer, "but we will find out eventually."

im so sorry that is so short. i have been very stressed and i only have a week to re-do my science labs and im so mad that i waited because we are on a different unit and i forgot why i need to re-do those papers. anyone else know how i feel? have a great friday!

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