Thanks JJ

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Chapter inspiration: I thought of this at 7:30 AM.

A/N VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION THAT COULD DECIDE THE FATE OF THIS BOOK. If you live in the UK, do you get out of school at the age of 16? If the process is more complicated, then PM me.

I wake up to the sound of my door being opened and closed and the bed shaking. I pull the pillow over my head, trying to go back to sleep.

"How did it go?" I hear a deep voice say.

"Better than expected," another deep voice responds.

I feel totally exhausted so I don't bother trying to listen. I bring my knees to my chest into a fetal position and fall back asleep. Well at least I tried to.

"Hey, Alex sweetie, time to get up," I hear a voice that sounds like JJ say. I groan and try to move away from the voice.

"Aww babe, I know, I know. But you gotta get up. You should eat something," he continues. I sigh and sit up slowly.

"Hey," JJ says softly. I squint my eyes, wanting them to adjust to the light first. I feel JJ's hand running through my hair and pushing it out of my face.

"Morning, sunshine," he says to me when I look over to him. He is sitting on the edge of my bed, facing me.

"Hey," I mutter. He pulls me onto his lap and I lean into his chest, his hand still running through my hair.

"I want to talk to you. Vik and Simon just left a few minutes ago so we could talk," he smiles at me. I nod at him to continue, suddenly becoming curious of what he wants to talk about.

"So, when you fell asleep, Vik told me what happened at your school," I nod and look down at my lap, remembering the events of only a few hours ago.

He continues, "So I went over to Rebecca's house and told her and Christina off. I said if they ever mess with you again, then I will call the police and report this situation as a form as harassment, which it kinda is." I smile wide and look up at him. He has the biggest smile on his face and he chuckles.

"Thanks JJ. I freaking love you," I giggle.

"I freaking love you, too," he laughs, "so how about we get some food."

I nod, "Ok. But I have one question for you. How did Vik tell you what happened if I didn't even tell him?"

"Vik is very observant and intelligent," he replies with a smirk.


Once downstairs, I sit on a stool around the island. I immediately smell the pizza and feel like throwing up. Christina told me I was fat. I cant eat the food. I need to make myself pretty.

I can sense that JJ is looking at me and that he understands what I'm thinking. These boys read me too easily and I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

"You're beautiful and amazing, Alex. Remember that I love you," he reassures me as he sits on the stool next to me, handing me a slice of pizza. I hesitantly take the piece of pizza. I need to do this, for my health and my sanity. So I eat the pizza. And I ate a second slice.

JJ was proud of me and so was I.


Hey everyone. It's been awhile. I will try my hardest to get back to a normal updating schedule. Have a good day/night!


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