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"You ready?" Hannah asks me.

"Yeah," I say shakily.

Life on our own was scary at first. We were scared to go out in public at first but then we became more confident over time. We both turned 18 so we felt much better about things because we were considered adults. We both bought cars, too. And we absolutely loved the school. I'm taking a culinary class and Hannah is taking law.

It has been nearly a year and a half since I have seen the boys in person and right now, they are flying to Florida. The boys and I could never plan a time where we could see each other in person because of all of our schedules. Hannah went back to the UK twice to see her family because their schedules actually worked out but I had to stay back because I had major tests and projects for school that I couldn't miss. Even in the summer, I was busy with work and the boys were busy with videos. Of course we skyped very often but it was never the same as seeing them in person.

"Don't be nervous, it's just the boys," she soothes. I nod in reply.

"Ok. I should go, bye!" I say to her as I grab my phone and walk towards our apartment door.

"Bye!" She shouts back to me.

Once I'm out of the building and in my car, I take a deep breath. I'm extremely nervous but extremely excited.


When I arrive at the airport, I look at the big screen and see that the boys' flight has just landed.

This is it.

I stand near the exit and wait. Then I see people walking out of the exit and I begin to feel less nervous.

And then I see them walk out.

They look so much different. Way different than they do through the computer screen.

The first to see me is Vik. When he does see me, a big smile appears on his face and he runs towards me. I start running towards him with a smile on my face, also. We meet in a hug. A big, warm hug that I missed so much.

"Hey," I say into his chest. I'm speechless and overwhelmed.

"Haha, hey," he laughs as he kisses the top of my head.

They all show up behind him and eventually I've hugged all of them except for one.


I turn to my right and see him staring at me with a smile. I run to him and jump into his arms. He laughs and lifts me off of my feet and spins around.

"I missed you," he grins.

"I missed you, too," I say as he sets me back down on my feet.

"How have you been?" I ask him.

"I've been well. Just felt weird without you. How about you?," he replies.

"Same here!" I exclaim.


The rest of the day, I showed them around Florida. It feels so good to be around my family. I just wish it could always be like this.

At the end of the day, when the boys and I were watching a movie with Hannah in the living room of our apartment, Harry pulled me close, and looked me in the eyes.

"Remember that day when you were sick, and we were sitting in the living room, just talking," he says quietly so only I could hear.

"Yeah, it feels like that was just yesterday," I reply, thinking about that day.

"Yeah, it sure does," he agrees. A smirk appears on his face and I know exactly what he is thinking. That day, we came up with our own secret code word.

"Pancakes," I tell him with a grin.

With a smile, he replies, "Pancakes."


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