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I wake up to the beautiful sound of JJ screaming. Note the sarcasm.

I sit up in bed and realise that I once again forgot to take my contacts out.

After I put my contacts in their container. I put my glasses on and go to  my room and sit on my bed. I go on my phone and go to youtube. I see that Simon has uploaded the video. I click on the comments and begin reading them. A lot of them were nice.

"She seems so nice and she's really pretty!"

"She has a good personality."

"We are proud of you guys. Alex seems so kind and fun!"

Other comments, though, were really rude and mean.

"Gross, why did you choose her?"

"She's just an attention seeker!"

"She's worthless. Ew!"

Those comments really stung. I tried not to let them get to me but it just caused me to think about them more and I started to believe them.

"Hey Alex! Come downstairs, we ordered pizza!" I hear a voice say, interupting me from my thoughts. Its Vik.

I walk to the door and open it up.

He looks at me with a worried expression.

"Are you ok? You look pale," he says.

"Yeah, im fine," I lie, trying to hold back my tears. He looks at me with a worried expression and nods. He probably saw straight through my lie.

We walk downstairs and meet all of the boys in the kitchen. I sit in the empty stool next to JJ. Ethan is across from me and Harry is diagnol from me. The other boys are scattered around the kitchen.

I zone out from the conversation and start thinking about the comments on the video.

I am worthless. Those comments were true. They should have adopted a better girl. They should have adopted someone who was happy.

"Alex! Whats wrong!?" Someone interupts me from my thoughts. I look up to see all the boys with worried looks on their faces. I only just then realised that I was crying.

I cry even harder and JJ pulls me into a hug. I cry into his chest.

"Tell me whats wrong babe," he says in a quiet voice. I tried to answer but my mouth wouldnt form words.

"Did you read the comments on the video?" I hear Simon ask. He must have figured that was what I was crying about. I nod my head.

"Im sorry honey. Dont listen to the haters. They are just jealous of your beauty and your great personality," JJ says.

All the boys say "Yeah" in agreement of JJ's compliment.

He is right. Haters are gonna hate.

And I just have to accept that.

Hello! I hope you had a great Monday! The media picture is another Niall River picture. Dont ask why im obsessed with Niall right now. Its a very long story. I love The Walking Dead and season 6 is starting in less than a month and its so scary because I know that im gonna have to prepare myself for the emotional rollercoaster of character's deaths. I am a huge fan of TWD in case you didnt know. Have a good week!

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