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"is she ok?" i hear a voice say.

"does she look ok?!" i hear another voice say.

i can tell that im laying down but i cant open my eyes. i feel a heavy weight on top of me. i try really hard to open my eyes but i cant. it only causes a groan to come out of my mouth because of how cold and numb my body is. it physically hurts to move.

"alex! alex can you open your eyes for me," i hear a soft, subtle voice say. that voice is so familiar to me. i use all my strength and energy to open my eyes and once i do, i am met with 7 worried faces.

my head is resting on vik's lap while the rest of my body is on the couch. i have so many blankets on top of me and somehow im still a little cold.

"how are you feeling?" jj asks.

"i feel alright. im just really cold," i reply, trying not to stutter. im mildly shivering.

"i know baby girl," vik says while pulling me up into a sitting position so im resting one side of my body on his chest. he puts his chin on the top of my head and he holds me tight.

i feel so terrible. and yes, i was partly lying when i told jj that i was alright. i seriously feel like a big pile of shit. i just want to curl up in a ball and sleep.

"alex, what's wrong?" tobi asks. i realise at this moment that im crying. i just want it all to be over.

"i-im not alright," i say in a weak whisper.

"i know baby girl," vik says and rubs my back.

im sorry for this terrible chapter. i have been feeling a little better. thank you all for all the sweet comments. you guys gave me hope. i love you all and i wish i knew you all in real life. sometimes i just freak out and do stupid things. its a terrible habit, i know. i went to sleep really late last night because i was crying the whole night and i felt the change today. i felt like i was going to fall asleep in history class. sometimes i just need to take a deep breath and go to sleep. being a teenage girl is really tough. :(((

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