Black Abyss

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Chapter Inspiration: My dog.

Today is the day when I go back to school and I see Christina. I'm not excited for this day at all.

Harry is driving me to school and I can tell he is just as nervous as me.

"If she says anything, just ignore her and remember that you are amazing and I love you. When you get home, you need to tell Simon, Vik, JJ, or Josh what happened if she does anything," Harry says as we pull up to the school.

I nod my head and hug him goodbye. I get out of the car and start walking towards the entrance of the school. I quickly walk to my locker, hoping to avoid Christina. But life isn't ever that easy.

She is standing right next to my locker with her arms crossed, obviously waiting for me. I think about turning around and walking home but I cant. I need to stand up to her.

I take a deep breath and walk over to my locker. She looks at me and smiles at me with the most fake smile ever. I giver her the death glare and proceed to open my locker. Once I get it open, she slams it shut.

"Look Christina, I-," I get cut off by her.

"I don't care what you have to say. Your friend who screams a lot broke my sister's heart and I'm not ok with that," she says. I feel a boost of unexpected confidence rush through me.

"How could he have broken something that doesn't exist," I say with a smirk.

She gasps way too over dramatically and clenches her fists together.

"You are the rudest and most annoying person that I have ever known. You are so ugly and fat and bitchy. No one wants to be around your nasty ass. Just go away and never come back," she says with the most pretentious hair flip and then she walks away.

I have to admit, that hurt a lot. And what hurts more, is that I know everything that she said was true. No one wants to be around me. I'm fat and I'm ugly and I'm annoying. I lost my confidence. I lost my hope that maybe this day will be moderately well.

I lean against the lockers and slide to the floor. The bell has already rung and the hallways are empty. Her words just keep repeating in my head and I feel like I'm gonna be sick.

I stand up and run to the bathroom where I lock myself in a stall and let out all of the contents in my stomach. I stay there and throw up until I'm dry heaving. Then I shakily stand up and walk out of the bathroom. I cant go to class. Not like this.

I walk out of the school and start to walk home. It's raining and it's cold. But I deserve it for being an annoying bitch. Plus, it's good that I walk home so I can burn some calories.

After about twenty minutes, I reach home and I knock on the door. It's Vik who answers. When he sees me, he looks shocked and speechless. Wow, am I really that ugly.

"No! No Alex, you are beautiful," he says as he pulls me inside. Oh no, I was thinking out loud (hello ed).

He hugs me so tight and I hug back.

"You ok?" He asks as he presses a gentle kiss to the top of my head. I take a deep breath but as I'm about to respond, I break down in tears.

"Shh. It's ok babe. I know. I understand," he soothes while rubbing circles on my back with one hand and runs his hand through my wet hair with his other hand. To be honest, I could fall asleep in Vik's embrace. He is the best at helping me calm down.

"Hey, why don't you go get changed into some warm, dry clothes. Open your door when you are dressed and I will come in. Then we can cuddle," he says as he pulls back from our hug a little bit so he can see my face. I nod and run upstairs.

I change into red pajama pants and a black Sidemen sweatshirt. I open my door and sit down on my bed.

Vik comes in moments later with a bottle of water in his hands. He hands it to me and he sits down next to me. I drink some of the water and set it down on my nightstand.

We crawl into my bed and he pulls me close to his chest. I love his burgundy Sidemen sweater. It smells like flowers from being freshly washed.

He rubs my back and starts humming a song by The Fray called How to Save a Life. It is one of my favorite songs by the Fray.

I just wish that I could be saved from the black abyss that I've fallen in.


Heyo! This definitely wasn't the best work I have written. Oh well the Panthers lost. I hope Cam Newton is still proud that he and his team got to the Superbowl. I hope you have a good week at school!


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