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"Are you sure you have everything?" Harry asks Hannah and I while he climbs in the front seat of the car.

"For the hundredth time, Harry, yes!" I laugh because he has been asking us that all morning.

"Sorry, I'm just really nervous," he exclaims.

"Don't be, everything will go fine," I tell him. I'm extremely nervous, though.

I look out the window and see Vik and Tobi's cars drive off, then Harry's car starts moving. The others are going in Vik and Tobi's cars to meet us at the airport as well as Hannah's family is. Hannah and I are in the backseat of Harry's car with all of our luggage.

Hannah and I had rented an apartment in Miami and we found a really high ranked school nearby. I had also applied for a job at a coffee shop just down the road from the apartment. Hannah applied and received a job at a mall as a cashier.

Before I know it, we are at the airport. We all stand in the lobby of the airport and I watch as Hannah goes to say goodbye to her family. I turn to the boys and see them looking at me with sad smiles on their faces.

Then I hug all of them individually, which makes me emotional because it feels like this is the last time I'm gonna see them, but it isn't. It cant be.

When I get to Harry, he hugs me for extra long.

"Be careful, ok? I love you," Harry whispers.

"I love you, too," I reply then pull away from the hug. We make eye contact for a few seconds.

"Thank you, for helping me through everything," I say to him.

"Hey, you're like a sister to me. I'd do anything for you," he replies with a smile which I kindly return.

"Stay safe," Vik says to me.

"Don't forget to skype us," JJ states excitedly.

"Yeah, I wont forget," I giggle.

The intercom comes on and states that my flight is boarding.

"This is it," I breathe out. The boys nod sadly.

"Goodbye. I love you all," I say.

"Goodbye! Love you, too," they all exclaim.

Hannah and I start walking towards the plane boarding area. I look back at the boys one last time and give them a wave. They wave back.

I take a deep breathe and turn the corner that separates the boys and I.

And I feel like I'm missing a piece of me.


Short chapter! But next chapter is the epilogue. So, no chapter inspiration for this and the next.


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