Well Then

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"Hey Alex," Simon says while walking into my room.

"Hola," I reply and sit up in my bed to face him.

"So, I have been thinking... well JJ and I have been thinking," he starts as he sits down next to me, "we have been thinking about how you supposedly fell down the stairs."

Oh great.

"I did fall down the stairs...,"I trail off. He gives me an understanding and knowing look that was obviously meant to let me know he knew I was lying.

"Alex, you can tell me the truth. I wont tell Vik or anyone else," he says to me and rubs my back softly. I could tell him the truth but I would rather not.

"I did tell you the truth. I fell down the stairs," I reply apathetically.

"I know you're lying! Why cant you just tell us the truth," Simon shouts at me as he stands up.

"I told you I freaking fell down the stairs!" I was standing also.

"You are so inconsiderate! Cant you see we are trying to help you!" He spits out. We were full on yelling now.

"Don't throw insults towards me! I don't need your help, Simon!" I scream.

"You never tell us what is wrong with you or why you aren't eating or being happy. Maybe we should have never let Vik decide to adopt you!" He stammers. Well that stung.

"I didn't know I was that much of a disgrace to you. I bet you all feel the same about me," I was crying by now and Simon looked furious, "How would you even know if I was lying?!"

"Because Harry freaking told me! He told all of us. He told us everything that has happened and everything you guys have been keeping a secret from us. He told us not to confront you about it but to let you tell us but I have been waiting for too long, Alex, too long," he replied on the verge of tears.




That idiot.

I trusted him. He betrayed me.

I told him all my secrets. He told the others.

I loved him.

Now I hate him.

I run past Simon and run out of the room, to the bathroom where my razors are.

"Alexandra, wait!" Simon called after me, his voice shaky from crying.

I slam the door of the bathroom and lock it. I don't hear him. I hear frantic footsteps but not towards the bathroom door, but down the stairs and I hear the front door slam.

I stare at myself in the mirror. I don't have a clear vision because the tears in my eyes are flowing non-stop.

Then I hear a knock on the door.

"Alex, open this door right now," the voice wasn't mean and demanding, it was soft and pleading. It wasn't Simon or Vik. It was Josh.

I didn't respond and I could hear him sigh.

"Open this door before you do something stupid," he says softly.

I take a deep breath and turn to the door. I open it and Josh pulls me into a big hug.

And I just cry.

I cry because I feel betrayed. Not just by Harry, but by all the boys.

Hello!! I wrote this on my PC that arrived today. This was much easier and it may allow me to have frequent updates. Have a good night/day!

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