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i have decided to add cussing to this story and i wont put warnings on the chapters anymore so be aware.


i walk into spanish and sit down next to a girl with black hair like me.

"you are nothing like christina says you are," the girl says as i take out my vocabulario (it means vocabulary im just so used to writing it in spanish). i look at her with a confused expression.

"christina says your ugly, fat, and useless. your actually really pretty and you arent fat at all," the girl says. wow those words hurt. who is christina.

"uhm thanks i guess. who is christina?" i ask.

"you sat at her lunch table yesterday. i envy you for doing that. i wish i have the courage to stand up to that bitch," she says.

"oh, you know about what happened?" i asked. how did she know.

"everyone knows! your the topic of the school. everyone is talking about you and christina isnt happy about that. im hannah by the way," she replies with a grin.

"alexandra. call me alex though. why is everybody so intrigued about the fact that i talked back to her?" im literally so confused.

"wow you are really clueless. no one has ever talked back to christina. she is the most popular girl in school. everyone is supposed to be scared of her," she says in a tone that shows im suppose to know that.

"why would anyone be scared of her. she is just a fake brat covered in make up," i replied.

"thats the thing, you arent scared of her," she says, searching my face, trying to figure me out.

before i could respond, i was cut off by the teacher starting class.


i sat at a different table today at lunch. but to my luck, i was still bothered by christina and her little bratty friends.

"oh look girls, we have a loner sitting alone at lunch. what a shame. i mean who would want to sit with you anyway," christina says and her little friends laughed. that actually kinda hurt but i forced my emotions for later.

"i chose to sit alone. i would rather be a loner than to sit with people like you," i say. why can she just leave me alone.

"oh really," she replies with a smirk and next thing i know is im covered in pasta. "whoops," she says while i heard some 'oooooooo's from the tables around us.

she then takes the tray of pasta and pours it on herself. what is she doing? she lets out a piercing scream and one of the teachers in the lunch room rushes over.

"what is happening here ladies!?" she yells.

"she threw her disgusting food on me and then poured some on herself to try and blame it on me!" she lied.

"girls is this true," she gestures towards the girls behind christina. they both nod.


i try to protest but the teacher drags me out of the cafeteria and into the dean's office. she hands me a few napkins to clean myself up with. then the dean comes out and calls my name.

i sit in his office and he starts going over the rules and policies and i zone out because i couldnt give two shits about anything right now.

"why?" is the part that i get snapped back to reality on.

"i didnt. she lied," i responded in an annoyed tone.

"there were witnesses. they said christina was telling the truth," he says while folding his arms and sitting back.

"they all lied," i reply. they were probably too scared to say anything against christina.

"well i called your guardian. he is picking you up," the dean says while standing up and opening the door for me to leave.

the boys are gonna be so angry.

i might as well just pack my bags and move to a different planet.

hello everyone. i missed my bus this morning. just thought you might want to know that. have a fun week.

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