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"Alex! Get down here, we got KFC!" I hear Tobi shout. I set my book down and walked downstairs. I followed the delicious smell into the kitchen.

"What have you been doing?" Simon says as I take the empty seat next to him.

"Reading," I reply while grabbing a chicken wing.

"Nerd," Simon says with a smirk and Ethan lets out a crazy laugh.

"Just because I like to read doesnt mean im a nerd," I say playfully punching Simon's arm.

"I know, im just kidding," Simon says with a grin.

"So Alex, we were talking about which school to enroll you at," Vik says. Ugh. I hoped they wouldnt make me go to school. Its a terrible place really. Like I said before, I havent gone to school since the accident. I was bullied at school and having no family to help me was really hard. So I just didnt go at all.

"Alex?" Josh says while snapping his finger in front of my face.

"Sorry. Just not a big fan of school. Havent been there in 2 years," I say awkwardly.

"What do you mean?" JJ questions with a mouthful of chicken.

"I dont know," I lie. I just dont want to seem like an attention seeker if I tell them about me getting bullied. The boys just look at me weirdly with confused faces.

"Well anyway, we registered you for a school about 5 minutes from here. You're starting in 2 days," Vik says. Great, now I only have two days to prepare for the worst time of my life.

I try to forget about it and enjoy the night, but I cant. I tell the boys that im going to bed.

When I get to my room, I pick up the book that I was previously reading. I start to read from where I left off. I need to get my mind off the topic of school.

School will never be fun for me.

Sorry I havent updated in so long. I started to write this yesterday but I got caught up in other things. Im also really stressed about a Spanish quiz. I have to write a paragraph in Spanish and I dont know what I am writing about until the day of the quiz. Hopefully I will get back to updating frequently.

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