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knock knock

"what do you want?" i asked, annoyed.

"i wanna talk to you," a voice says. i think its josh.

"fine," i say and josh walks into the room. he sits down next to me on my bed and puts an arm around me.

"what do you want?" i ask.

"i want you to know that i believe you," he says and starts rubbing his hand up and down the side of my arm.

"thank you josh!" i say and hug him.

"im sorry about vik. he was just disappointed. i will try and talk to him," josh says.

"thank you so much josh," i repeat into his chest. i just want to get away from all my problems. im so happy about josh believing me. i dont want to go to school tonorrow. even though it may seem like im not scared if christina, i really am scared of her. i start crying into josh's chest.

"whats wrong!?" he asks.

"i dont know," i sob, partially telling the truth.

its like there is that one thing that makes me cry and i know exactly what it is. but part of me has no idea what im crying about. its complicated.

josh rubs soothing circles on my back while hushing me.

"you're ok, i got you," he whispers.

i cry for a long time but i just cant calm down.

"why dont you get some sleep. you have had a long day," he says while laying me down. he kisses me on the forehead and gives me a reassuring look before turning around and walking out of my room.

i just want to lay in bed for the rest of my life.

hello! i totally forgot that i had a spanish quiz today and im scared for my grade because i didnt study. have a fabulous friday!

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