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I grab my black, rectangular glasses from my bedside table and put them on. I glance at the old, dusty clock on the wall. 6:30.

I procrasinate getting out of bed for a few seconds but I know that I have to go to work today. I sit up and slowly get out of bed, trying not to wake up the 2 girls that I share a room with. I walk out of the muggy room and into the spooky hallway. I slowly walk down the vintage hallway. The hallway has a lot of vintage decorations. The floorboards creak beneath me.

Once I reach the end of the hallway, i go through a door on the right that leads to a bathroom. I close and lock the door.

I look in the mirror. My long, black hair is a mess. My green eyes look really big behind my glasses. I sigh. I put my glasses on the counter and turn on the shower.


I put on the pink robe that I have hanging on the bathroom door. I wrap the beige towel around my wet hair. I put my glasses on and walk out of the bathroom. I walk back to my room.

Sophia and Andrea, my roomates, are still sleeping. I quietly make my way to my dresser. I grab under garmets, a plain purple t-shirt, and black skinny jeans. I quickly make my way back to the small bathroom. I change into the clothes that I brought with me. I get out a old hair dryer from one of the cabinets under the sink. I dry my hair and I put it into a braid.

I walk down 2 flights if stairs until I reach the kitchen. Its not fancy but its not terrible either. It has that smell when you walk into a hotel room for the first time. Except it smells like that all the time. I make myself a bowl of cheerios. Thats the only cereal that is in the cupboard. The snooty ladies who work here only let me get food without permission because they know I have work and im the oldest. The say since im the oldest, im most responsible. Haha they are really wrong.

After I finish my cereal, I go upstairs one last time. I brush my teeth and put contacts in and a little mascara on. I grab my bag and put on black and white converse. I then head off to work.


I walk into the orphanage and am greeted with Miss Mary, one of the wonderful ladies who works here who constantly bosses me around, (note the sarcasm) telling me all the chores that I need to complete. I see the younger girls at the orphanage doing their chores.

Everyone has their own list of chores to do. At this orphanage, everyone needs to help out.

After Miss Mary stops bombarding me with chores, I nod and walk away. She grabs my arm before I can go though. I look at her confused.

"A man is coming around tomorrow. He wants to adopt a teenage girl. Look good tomorrow," she says.

I nod and walk away, ignoring that fact that she kinda just said I dont look good anyway.

Before going to do my chores, I go up to my room. I see Sophia and Andrea in there. Sophia is 14 years old. She has short blonde hair and brown eyes. Andrea is 15 years old and she has short brown hair with hazel eyes. I smile at them. They smile back.

"How was your day?" Sophia asked.

"It was alright. It could have been better. How about you guys? What did you girls do today?" I asked as I set my bag down on my dresser.

"Chores, chores, and more chores. Im getting tired of all this work," Andrea says.

"I know. It gets tiring after a while," I reply.

"I cant wait until im old enough to get a job. I will be so responsible with it," Sophia says. I chuckle.

"Responsible is a strong word to use. Working isnt as pleasant as you think it is. Yeah, you get paid but it takes a lot of work," I say.

"Your responsible with your work!" Sophia says.

"Why would you say that?" I wonder.

"Because your older and wiser," Andrea answers for her.

"Haha. Just because im older doesnt mean im most responsible," I said while walking out of the room.

I may be responsible but im definitely not the most responsible in this orphanage. I mean most people here have tutors and want to educate themselves and they actually care. That is not me. I havent been involved in school in a while.

I am not a responsible as most of the girls here.

Ok so this is a new book. I will try my hardest to update daily but I cant promise anything. Let me know if you would rather have long chapters and not as many updates or a lot of updates with shorter chapters. I hope your enjoying this story so far. I hope school is going well for you if you started.
~Kayla <3

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