Christmas Day

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First off, I'd like to say a massive thank you to my readers. This book has 30k reads and I could never express how grateful I am towards you guys. I love you all so much. Thank you for being there and supporting me through this journey so far.

Chapter Inspiration: I was hungry and tired when this came to mind.

Things had somewhat gotten better. I ended up staying with Harry the rest of the day I was at his flat. I felt so guilty for causing him to relapse; although, he tells me that none of it was my fault.

In the past few days after Harry and I made up, I had gotten, or at least tried to get some things done. For example, I got Harry and the other boys Christmas presents. I have also tried  to throw away my razors but I couldn't force myself to do it. What if I needed them later on.

JJ had told me that he had dumped Rebecca a long time ago when he figured out what was happening. He felt so bad that he hadn't realized what she was doing but it wasn't his fault. It wasn't his job to know what she was doing.

I also felt really guilty for causing Harry to have to leave his family ahead of time but he said that it is ok because he had already celebrated Christmas with his family because of his parents' work schedules.

I'm laying in bed right now. It is 7:00 AM on Christmas morning and I couldn't be happier with how much better things have gotten in the past few days. Now I get to spend Christmas with my best friends.

I slowly get out of my bed, feeling the coldness of the room and it makes me wanna get back under my covers and fall right back asleep. But I cant because it's Christmas and even though I'm 16, I'm still very excited to see how the day will go.

I exit my room quietly and head downstairs. I had only just realized that I'm starving when the scent of waffles and bacon comes from the kitchen. I look in the kitchen and see Vik and Josh making food. My stomach growls at the thought of all the breakfast food.

"Merry Christmas!!" Vik says as he notices that I have entered the kitchen. He hugs me and I hug him back tightly. Josh says the same and hugs me, also.

"Merry Christmas! What are you making?" I ask as I look at the pans on the stove.

"Sausage, bacon, waffles, eggs, toast, and pancakes," Josh replies as he flips the egg in the pan. I smile at the last food that he listed. I sit at the island and just observe Josh and Vik trying to cook. They aren't as bad at cooking as they say they are and they can actually cook a half decent meal.

Harry, Tobi, and Ethan are coming over in about an hour. And before you ask, the boys had already or are going to be celebrating the holiday with their families. Harry, Josh, JJ, and Simon had gone back to their home a while ago to celebrate it while the others are going to do it sometime next week. All of their family members have to find the right time to get together but it is complicated because of everyone's work schedules but they figured it out in the end.

Simon and JJ come down the stairs together, laughing about something Jide had said.

"Merry Christmas!" I say as I jump out of my chair and hug them both.

"Merry Christmas, Alex!" They both say and giggle a little.

And soon enough, the others have arrived and we are all spread out around the living room eating the delicious breakfast that Vik and Josh had made. I sat in between Harry and Ethan on the couch. I silently got Harry's attention and pointed to the pancake on my plate. I made weird faces that caused him to laugh and Ethan saw and burst out into laughter. He had no idea why I was doing that but it made the situation way more funny.

After breakfast, we went over to the poorly decorated Christmas tree and exchanged gifts. I got the boys a bunch of gaming things like new video games or a new headset or a new gaming console. They really loved the stuff they got from me. When Harry had opened his present from me, he burst into laughter and I burst into laughter, also, because I had gotten him a blue sweatshirt with the word "PANCAKES" written in neon pink on it. The others were so confused and it only caused Harry and I to have another laughing fit.

The gifts that I had received from the boys were pretty cool. I got a sweatshirt, some band merchandise, gift cards to restaurants, and a Mario Kart game. When I got to the present that Harry had gotten me, I got quite nervous because I didn't know what to expect.

I opened the box from him and saw the most beautiful necklace I had ever seen. It was silver and it had a locket shaped as a heart. I opened it up and saw a picture of Harry and I eating pancakes together. I smiled the biggest smile ever and hugged Harry.

"Thanks, Harry. It's incredible," I say into his chest.

"You're welcome," he replies with a smile and a soft kiss to the top of my head.

I don't know when he possibly could've taken the picture without me knowing but I don't really care because Harry is the nicest person I have ever met.

I love Harry.


Hey!! I have been feeling a lot better with the help of you guys. I love all the feedback you guys give me. I hope you all have an amazing week!!


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