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So this is the end of Adopted by the Sidemen.

I just want to thank you all for the amazing support and feedback you all have given me. You are all so kind and funny. You brighten up my day with your comments! I love you all so much!! Thank you!!

I enjoy writing so much. This story was especially fun to write because it is an idea that I found very interesting.

You all found it pretty interesting, also. I go on your accounts and see an Adopted by the Sidemen book and I don't know if you got the idea from me or someone else but I think that is awesome! I started a book trend if that makes any sense. Haha.

I wish you luck with your stories! I have a new story coming out very soon. But until then, this is goodbye!

Thank you all again!

~Kayla <3

(make sure to read next chapter for interesting and important information about a sequel!!!)

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