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Ok so this isnt a chapter, im sorry. This is a tag. I got tagged by LeilanyaXIII .

1. Posting rules is a must.
2. Must tag 13 people.
3. Must answer 13 questions.
4. Answer questions assigned and make up your own questions for others.
5. Tag backs allowed.
6. Must finish within two weeks.
7. Be creative with title.

Here we go!

1. What kind of music do you listen to?
Well, I listen to pop and whatever genre twenty one pilots are.

2. If you lived somewhere else in the world or U.S., where would you live?
In the U.S., I would wanna live in Illinois because it is really cold and I enjoy cold weather. In the world, I would wanna live in Costa Rica because my Spanish teacher says it is such a peaceful place.

3. What nationality are you?
Im American. But my heritage is Italian and German.

4. You find your favorite character from The Maze Runner sleeping next to you. How do you respond?
My favorite character is Newt. So I would probably freak out at first because that is weird that he would magically appear next to me. But then I would probably just talk to him about life.

5. You switched accounts with someone for a day. What would you do on their account?
First if all, I would switch accounts with either LeilanyaXIII or pleasefolieadont and then I would add a lot of larry stylinson stories to their library and I would change their profile picture to the larry hug. ;)

6. Imagine an AU where the zombie apocalypse exists. How long do you think you would survive?
Based on my knowledge of The Walking Dead, I think I would be able to survive for a while.

7. If you were to meet only one of your internet friends in real life, who would it be?
I would meet KortleCW because we can relate so much to each other and he seems so fun and nice.

8. How would you react if someone told you your school burned down?
I would be pretty sad, honestly. I love going to school because it is like a getaway from all the family drama at my house. It helps distract me from a lot of things.

9. Any other fandoms that you are in?
Here are all the fandoms that I am in.
The Hunger Games, The Maze Runner, the Sidemen, the Pack, The Walking Dead, Dan and Phil, One Direction, Little Mix, and twenty one pilots.

10. Your phone is about to die, what do you do?
I would run to my room to get my charger.

11. Where would you be right now if you didn't have wattpad.
I would be doing homework.

12. Think back to last summer, how many followers did you have then?
Probably like 7. I don't really care about how many followers I have. In the end, it doesn't matter.

13. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I wanna be a teacher.

Okie im done!!

I tag:
LeilanyaXIII ;)
pleasefolieadont ;)

(Im only specifically tagging 5 people but feel free to do this anyway)

Here are your questions:
1. What is your favorite tv show?
2. Do you have any pets? What kind? What is their name?
3. Coke or pepsi?
4. Apple pie or pumpkin pie?
5. Gale or Peeta? Why? (If you dont know anything about the hunger games than pick one of them randomly)
6. Converse or Vans?
7. What is your favorite subject in school?
8. What is your favorite song at the moment?
9. Favorite animal?
10. Your opinion on school?
12. Cold weather or hot weather?
13. McDonalds or In 'n Out? (If you dont have those fast food places where you live, then replace it with the fast foods that are popular where you live)

Also, I might update this story soon! :))


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