Park Incident

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I was at Harry's flat.

I was snuggled into his side and his arm was over my shoulder, pulling me close to him.

Harry, Cal, and Cal were talking about going to the park to film a challenge video.

"Let's go to the park now," I jumped into the conversation.

They all agreed and after a long time of packing cameras, we got into the car. It was snowing a little today so they had to wrap up the cameras.


Once at the park, the guys started to set up their cameras.

"Im gonna hang out on the swings for a while," I tell Callux.

"Ok. Be careful," he replies as I run off like a little kid.

I sit on the swing set and take a deep breath. The cold air feels good in my lungs. I hadnt been relaxed or in a peaceful environment in so long.

Christmas is in a week and I hadnt gotten the boys anything. I will have to sneak out or something. Im really excited because Josh says that I will be able to meet Freya on Christmas. Im also not excited for Christmas because after Christmas, school starts again.

All of a sudden, someone pushes me off of the swing from behind. I fall to the floor, probably scraping a knee. I turn around and see the two people who make my life miserable the most.

Christina and Rebecca.

"Come on bitch. Let's go over here so your little boyfriends cant see us," Rebecca says to me, basically dragging me. I just have to follow them and get through whatever they put me through.

Once we are on the other side of the park, Christina punches me in the face. I cry out in pain and fall to the ground. That is gonna leave a huge bruise.

Rebecca starts kicking me in the ribs, hard. Christina starts yelling profanities towards me. Rebecca's kicks get harder each time and I start crying.

"Your brother is probably glad to be away from you," Christina shouts. It really shocks me. How did she know about my brother.

"You should've died in that car crash," she says with a smirk on her face. Well that stung.

"How do you know about that," I cry out between kicks.

"JJ told me," Rebecca says with a smirk. Why would JJ tell her my deepest secret? That really hurts.

Rebecca stops kicking me and turns to her sister, "Let's go."

"And if you tell anyone about this, we will make your life miserable," she says to me. Ha! My life is already miserable.

They walk away.

I stay on the ground for a while, just crying silently even though it hurts my ribs to cry.

The boys are probably done filming by now so I wipe the tears away and force myself up through the pain.

I limp over to where the boys were filming to see them packing up the cameras again.

Harry notices me and runs over to me.

"What happened! Why are you crying," he asks while wrapping an arm around me. I force myself not to scream in pain.

"I saw a dog get hit by a car," I lie. Harry looks me in the eyes and gives me a nod.

Well this was a terrible day.

Hello! Media picture is a conversation that I had with pleasefolieadont after tonight's episode of The Walking Dead. IM SO SORRY FOR SPOILERS. She doesnt watch twd but I needed someone to rant to.

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