Telling Harry

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Dear Diary,
I think im actually starting to trust the boys. They seem really nice and caring. I just hope they dont change. I dont want them to turn out like my old adoptive parents. Today im hanging out with Harry. I have gotten used to him having the same name as my brother. Im just gonna have to accept it.

I close my diary and stuff it in the desk in my room. I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in," I say. The door opens and I see Harry standing there.

"Ready to go?" He says with a smile. I nod and smile back.

I walk down the stairs with Harry following behind me and I say goodbye to Vik. He was the only one downstairs so I only said goodbye to him.

Harry and I got in his car and he drove off.

"So what do you wanna do?" Harry asks me.

"Hmmm I dont know. Maybe we could go to Nando's and then go to the movies," I suggest.

"That sounds good. What movie?" He replies.

"I dont care. You choose!" I say.

"Alright," he says with a little laugh.

-Time Skip To After Movie-

"That was so fun. Thank you Harry," I say as we drive to his flat.

"No problem. I had so much fun," he replies as we pull into the parking garage.

We walk to his flat and he introduces me to Calfreezy and Callux. (Calfreezy will be called Cal. Callux will be called Callum.)

The Cals say they are going out to buy stuff for a video. That leaves Harry and me alone.

We sit next to eachother on the couch and talk for a while about random things. Out of all the boys, I think im closest to Harry even though I havent known them for that long.

After a long moment of silence, Harry asked something that I wasnt expecting.

"Why did you freak out when we told you our names?" I froze. Should I tell him? I trust him but I might get too emotional. No. I need to tell him.

"My brother's name was Harold. Like yours. We called him Harry too. Two years ago my family and I were driving in the mountains. We were going hiking. But my dad lost control of the car and the car flew off the road and over a small cliff. It wasnt a big fall but it felt like it. The last thing I remembered is my brother screaming for help. Then I blacked out. I woke up in a hospital and the doctors told me my parents and brother didnt make it. I freaked out because I love him and I miss my family. I will never forget my brother's screams," I said. I hadnt noticed tears were falling from my eyes.

Harry pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me.

"Im so sorry Alex," he said while rubbing soothing circles on my back. I cried into his shoulder.

"Its ok honey. Shh.." he said to me. I started calming down a little bit. I need to tell him something. I feel guilty for hiding it.

"Harry, can I tell you a secret?" I asked shakily.

"Yeah, you can tell me anything," he says.

I show him my wrists. Im surprised they havent noticed my scars yet. I havent worn long sleeve. I dont care if people see my scars anymore.

He gasps and grabs my wrists lightly.

"Im so sorry Alex!" He basically screamed.

"Harry its not your fault," I say.

"Im sorry," he whispers and holds me tight.

"Promise you wont do it again," he says.

"Do what?" I ask confused at first.

"Promise me you wont hurt yourself again," he says.

"Harry, I cant promise you that," I say with guilt. He looks at me sadly.

"Please," he says with tears in his eyes.

"Ok. I promise," I say. I need to be strong for Harry. I bury my head in his chest and close my eyes.

Then I fall asleep.

Im so sorry for not updating in a while. I have just been procrasinating on a lot of things. Thank you all for 100 reads already!! If you didnt know already, My friends and I have a collab account where we mostly talk about Phan. Make sure to check it out and check out my friend's accounts.
Collab account: ThePhanficGirls

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