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"I dont have to go if you dont want me to," Harry assures as he hugs me. He is leaving London to go back to his family in Guernsey for Christmas.

"No, you need to be with your family for the holidays," I say into his chest.

"You sure you'll be ok," he asks. I nod in response.

"Ok, see you after Christmas. Oh, I almost forgot to give you this," he reaches into his bag and pulls out a medium size box that is wrapped up, "wait until Christmas morning to open it."

"I will give you your present when you get back," I say awkwardly, "See you soon Harold."

And with that, he is gone.

"Alex, wanna have a movie night," Tobi asks, walking into the room.

"Yeah! That will be fun," I reply and run into the living room to pick a movie. Tobi goes to get the other guys.

I choose to watch The Hunger Games (the first one in the series in case anyone was confused)

"Dont you think that is a little too violent for you, child," Josh says while raising an eyebrow.

"Josh, I am 16," I say putting a hand on my hip.

"I was just kidding. Wow we have a sass queen here," Josh replies with a little chuckle and I giggle a bit.

We spend the rest of the day watching the other movies from the series and I honestly forget about my problems for a while.

Happy late Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it! I hope you stuffed your faces with turkey and mashed potatoes.

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