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After the short boy showed me around the house, he took me to my room on the second floor. Its a medium sized room with a big window on the opposite wall of the door. There is a bed, dresser, desk, and nightstand. I set my bag on the bed.

"Thank you," I say to the boy.

"No problem," he says.

"I never got your name," I said to him.

"Oh, my name is Vik," he says with a small smile. I nod.

"Why dont you come downstairs so you can meet the others," he says. I nod and start walking out of the room with him.

Once we are downstairs, we go in the kitchen where all the boys are.

"This is Olajide, but he goes by JJ," Vik says pointing to the boy who sat next to me in the car, "thats Simon," he said pointing to the tall dirty blonde, "thats Josh," he says pointing to the boy with the beard, "thats Tobi," he points to the dark skinned boy with the snapback, "thats Ethan," he points to the boy with short brown hair, "and thats Harry," he says pointing to the last one in the blue sweatshirt.

I froze at the name. Harry.


"Hey Harry, wanna go to the park," I asked my little brother.

"I cant, mom said I have to clean up my room," he said.

"Ugh, why do you have to be so messy?" I asked.

"I dont know. But if you help, it will get cleaned faster and then we can go to the park," he said with a grin.

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Yeah, you wish," I said and walked out of the room.

-End of Flashback-

"Alex!?" Someone was shaking me. I snap out if my daze and see that Vik is shaking me.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

I look at him in the eyes. I shake my head, no.

"Whats wrong?" He asks. I start to cry.

Vik pulls me into a hug. He rubs slow circles on my back. He whispers soothing words into my ear while I cry into his chest.

After a while of me crying, I started to get tired. Vik must have noticed because he said, "Lets go upstairs."

We went upstairs and we went in my room. I layed down on my bed. Vik hugged me and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I miss my brother, I was so close to him.

So thats the chapter. I might be doing fun facts about me at the end of these chapters sometimes just so you can learn a little about me. My birthday is the same day as when the Sidemen were created. Obviously not the same year, but same day. October 19. Anyway, have a fantastic day!

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