I Will Always Stay With You

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Im still sitting on the couch. We are waiting for Simon and Jide to get back with the medicine.

I still feel really terrible and gross.

"Do you need anything?" I hear Tobi say. When did he come here? I shake my head, no.

About 10 minutes of awkward silence, Simon and JJ finally decide to come home with the medicine.

I take the medicine and about 5 minutes later, my headache is slowly going away.

The boys leave me to rest except for Harry. He sits next to me and turns on the tv.

"You dont have to stay with me. I dont want to get you sick," I say to Harry.

"I dont care if your sick. I will always stay with you," he says. I smile and blush. No one has ever said that to me.

Harry is like my brother.

My brother who's name was Harry.

The brother that I lost.

It's almost as if I found him again.

Like I found my missing piece.

Super short chapter. Also sorry for the last A/N chapter thing I was so emotional and it was just a random out burst. I might delete it. Dont even ask about the media picture. AND THE SCORCH TRIALS WAS THE BEST MOVIE EVER. Sadly, 1D didnt release their mew single. Blame my sister, she is the one who told me it was gonna be released on Friday. Also, I have a instagram. Im not accepting any follow requests from strangers. But my profile picture is a picture of me so you could see what I look like.
@/ Kayla7878
Have a fabulous weekend!

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