Really Sick

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"Alex, hun, you need to wake up. You need to eat some food," I hear a voice say. I groan.

"Im sorry. I know you wanna rest but you need to get some food and water," the voice says again. I think its Vik.

I decide that he is right so I slowly open my eyes and attempt to sit up. In my attempt, I learn that I am really weak and I cant get up on my own. Vik soon realizes and he helps me to sit up. He then helps me off my bed. The boys must have brought me to my room when I fell asleep.

Vik puts his arm around my waist, helping me to the door and down the stairs. I feel so ill and tired like I could collapse into a deep sleep at any second.

Once we are downstairs and in the kitchen, Vik sits me down on Harry's lap. Harry is sitting on one of the stools around the island. He rests a arm on my back to keep my upright and I play with the fingers on his free hand. He pulls me close to him and I rest my head on his shoulder. I close my eyes. After a few moments of silence, someone bursts into the room causing me to jump and whimper. I open my eyes and see a wild JJ standing in the doorway with a laughing Simon following him.

"SHHHH," Vik says in an annoyed tone. Harry glares at them and I start to feel tears form in my eyes. I really dont feel well at all and they just made it ten times worse by being so loud.

Simon stops laughing and whispers an apology. Same with JJ.

I let my tears flow and I turn my head to cry into Harry's shoulder. Harry uses his free hand to stroke the back of my head.

Crying really hurts. It burns my throat and its giving me a headache.

"Honey, its ok. They didnt mean to make you upset. Here can you please eat this," Vik says. I look up from Harry's shoulder and see Vik holding out a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

I nod and shakily take the sandwich from him. I take one big bite from it. Im just not happy right now so I pull the sandwich away from my face and just stare at it.

"Can you please eat more," Harry says to me. I know they arent gonna leave me alone until I eat more. So I give in and take 3 more big bites. I shake my head, no, and Vik takes the sandwich from me. He replaces it with a glass of water. I take long sips of water. Its cold water and it feels good on my burning throat. Once I finish almost all of the glass, I put it down on the island counter top.

I rest my head on Harry's shoulder again and I close my eyes.

And I collapse into a deep sleep.

Hey! One Direction are releasing their new single on Friday AND IM FANGIRLING BECAUSE I LOVE THEM AND I THINK IM GONNA GO FULL ON INSANE BECAUSE DRAG ME DOWN AND NOW A NEW SINGLE AHAHNDSNSNDBS. Sorry I was just fangirling. Anyway, have an amazing day/night wherever you are from.

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