Laying in the Grass

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I am currently laying in the grass in the huge backyard that I hadnt been able to adventure in yet. It just looks like a nice place to get away from everyone and everything.

Apparently, it's not because Harry comes out and lays next to me.

"Watcha doing out here this late," Harry asks. It is probably around 10 pm.

"I just needed a break from everything," I reply.

"Oh. Do you want me to leave?" Harry asks, starting to sit up.

"No, stay. I need someone to talk to," I half lie. I did want to be alone but I also needed someone to talk to. He lays back down.

"Soooooo. I know what happened yesterday. Vik told me. Well he told everyone," Harry says. Of course Vik would tell them.

"Im sorry Harry. I didnt know what I was doing and I was stupid to read hate. Please dont hate me," I beg. I feel like absolute shit breaking our promise.

"I dont hate you. It's ok. Dont be sorry. I know it is hard to get out of the habit," he whispers the last sentence.

"Huh?" I asked, dumbfounded at his change in tone.

"Alex, I need to tell you something," he says in a soft tone.

"You can tell me anything Harry," I reassure him.

He nods and pulls up his sleeve. I gasp at the sight. He has hundreds of cuts all over his wrists, obviously self-inflicted.

"Harry, why-," I cut myself off considering that I have cuts too.

"I used to be bullied. A lot. My family and the boys are the only ones that know and they have helped me through all of this. They helped me through the bullying and hate that I got. I intend to help you through all the bullying and hate," he says, tears filling his eyes. I can feel my eyes beginning to sting also.

"Harry," I begin but then I stop.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"Pancakes," I whisper.

"Pancakes," he replies with relief in his voice.

Im so sorry its short but I am freezing to death. It was pouring rain this morning and just yesterday it was so hot. I was not expecting the sudden change in weather so I did not have my fuzzy socks ready. The media picture is from 2014 Halloween with pleasefolieadont  and ShadowXIII . We were trying to be unicorns with cotton candy sticks. MEMORIES!!

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