Telling The Others & Sick

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After I calmed down a bit, I looked at Harry to see him looking at me with a guilty look. Im pretty sure we are thinking the same thing. I need to tell the others about my past.

"G-Guys, I think im ready to tell you about my past," I say while sitting up a bit. JJ had pulled me onto his lap so he was still holding me close.

-Skip To After Explaining And Showing Cuts-

The boys looked at me with shocked expressions. I look at Harry and see he has a proud and sad look on his face. Im surprised that I managed to hold back my tears.

"I already told Harry all of this when I hung out with him yesterday. But I didnt tell him one thing. A little while after I got sent to the orphanage, a couple adopted me. They hurt me though. They abused me. Verbally and physically. The police eventually found out and arrested them and sent me back to the orphanage," I say while playing with my hands. I dont dare make eye contact with any of them.

"We are so sorry, Alex. But we are here to help you. We wanna help make you better," Ethan says. I hear the boys mumble words in agreement.

"Thank you for everything," I say when JJ pulls me closer to his chest.

"Its nothing. Like Ethan said, we just wanna help," Simon says. I nod.

"Wow, you look really pale," I hear Harry say. I mentally thank him for trying to make the conversation less awkward. Why do I look pale though? I guess I have been feeling tired and overall just bad the past few days.

"Yeah, do you feel alright?" Simon asks.

"Eh. I have been better," I say. JJ puts his hand on my forehead and his eyes widen.

"You're steaming!!" JJ shouts. I flinch at his loudness and he apologizes.

"Tobi, get the thermometer. Josh, get some cold water and medicine. Alex, do you feel cold or does your throat hurt?" Vik asks.

"Yeah. Im a little chilly. Yeah, my throat has been hurting a little. I also have a headache," I say.

"Simon, get a blanket. JJ, lets take her to the living room so she can lay down," Vik says. I dont need all of this. Im about to protest when JJ interupts me.

"Dont say anything. You need to rest your throat. We care about you. We want you to be healthy," JJ says while walking out of the kitchen while carrying me bridal style to the living room.

Once there, JJ sits down on the sofa and lays me down. He puts my head on his lap.

Simon puts a blanket on top of me. Josh hands JJ water and pills. They help me sit up for a second to take the pills. Once I take the pills, they lay me back down and Tobi puts a thermometer in my mouth. About thirty seconds later, he takes it out and looks at the number.

"101," he says. I sigh. I hate being ill.

The pills that I took must make you tired because I feel myself falling to sleep already.

JJ moves the hair out of my face and I drift into the wonderful thing called sleep.

Hello! So, I have been busy and I have gotten a little bit stressed about school. But im pretty sure everyone is stressed about school. But fun fact about me is that math is my weakest subject. Everything else, im great at and I have accelerated classes. I have a math test on Friday and im stressed because I have been doing really bad on the homework. But I can only wish for the best.

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