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"Alex, wake up," I hear someone say.

I slowly open my eyes and see that im still in Harry's arms on the couch.

"How long have I been alseep?" I ask sleepily.

"About an hour," he says. It felt like longer though.

"Im gonna bring you back home now," he says.

(While writing this, I realised that earlier on in the story, I said they will all be living together in this fanfic. I decided to change it to where they live in real life is where they live in this fanfic. But they are just gonna be hanging out a lot. I will edit everything once I publish this chapter.)

I nod and get off of Harry's lap. We walk out of his flat and we go to his expensive car.

-Skip Car Ride-

"Bye Harry, I had so much fun," I say as I hug him on the door step of the house.

"Bye Alex, I had a lot of fun too," he said and we pulled back. Simon answers the door and lets me in. I wave goodbye to Harry and close the door behind me. Simon and I go into the living room and sit on the couch.

The house is quiet.

"Where is everyone?" I ask Simon.

"Vik went shopping. Josh went to hang out with his girlfriend. And JJ went to record with Caspar Lee," he says.

It was silent for a while and then Simon says, "Wanna record a q&a video with me?"

I think for a moment.

"Sure, it sounds fun," I say.

"Great! Just give me a few minutes to set up," he says and walks out of the room. I decide to follow him because im curious. We go into his room and he sits at his desk. I hesitantly sit on his bed.

After about 3 minutes of him doing things on his computer, he says, "Random question, but do you have a cell phone?"

"No," I say.

He walks to his bedside table and digs in one of the drawers. He takes out a white box.

"This was my old phone. I only used it once or twice, then I upgraded. Would you like this one?" He asks. I was shocked. I never really had any electronics of my own.

"Sure! Thank you so much Simon!" I say and hug him.

"Haha no problem!" He says.

"Lets film that q&a!" I say. He laughs and we start filming.

-Skip To After Filming-

"That was cool!" I said to Simon.

"Yeah! You're a natural in front of the camera," he says. I laugh.

"Cant wait to see the edited version. Also cant wait to see the feedback," I said.

"Yeah, just be careful. Some people comment some really mean things. Just please ignore the hate," he says. I nod.

I look at my new phone and the time is 10:34 pm.

I tell Simon that im going to bed and we say goodnight. I put on sweatpants and an oversized sweatshirt and I snuggle under the covers.

And I fall into a peaceful sleep.

Sorry nothing dramatic really happened. Thank you for 200+ reads!!! So the fact about me today is how I found out about the Sidemen. I was searching up Minecraft Hunger Games videos and I watched a few of TheBajanCanadian's videos and I started liking his channel and I watched the videos he did with Vik and then I started watching Vik's Minecraft channel. Then I found out that Vik had a different channel which was actually his main channel and I started watching those videos and I watched the other Sidemen's videos and I fell in love with them. Im not a fan of The Pack anymore. I dont watch Minecraft videos anymore. Also, the media picture is a little rant type thing that I had about music and 1D. Dont mind the contact names at the top.
Snazzy Trash is japhan_
The contact names are inside jokes. Shoutout to them!

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