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I wake up.

There is no clock in the room so I have nothing to look at in the morning anymore.

I get out of bed and realize that I fell asleep with my contacts in. Thats not good.

I grab the cases that hold my contacts when im not wearing them and I grab my glasses from my bag. I walk out of my room, trying not to get lost in the big house. I make my way to the bathroom. I take my contacts out and put them in the case. I put my glasses on and walk out of the bathroom. I leave the case in the bathroom.

I make my way downstairs, hoping that there is a clock somewhere. Unfortunately, there isnt. I walk into the kitchen to see Vik, Simon, and Tobi sitting around the island eating cereal. Im pretty good with remembering names.

They see me and Vik pats the chair next to him, motioning me to sit.

I hesitantly sit next to him. Simon is sitting across from me and Tobi is diagnal from me.

"Good morning," Vik says to me. I smile back at him.

"Why were you crying yesterday?" Simon suddenly asked.

"Really Simon. Good job of subtly bringing up the topic," Tobi said while glaring at him. Simon just glared back at him. Then he looks at me, waiting for me to answer.

I really dont know if I wanna tell these boys yet.

"Uh... I really dont want to talk about it," I say while looking down. We sit in silence for a while. I know the boys are exchanging looks with eachother.

"Its ok. You dont have to tell us now. But eventually you're gonna have to tell us," Vik says. I look up and nod.

"Do you want some cereal," Tobi asks, changing the subject.

I shake my head, no.

"How about some waffles or toast?" Tobi asked.

I shake my head, no. Im to depressed to eat. I cant stop thinking about my brother.

"What are you gonna eat then, love?" Simon asks. Why did he call me 'love'?

"Im not very hungry," I lie. The truth is, im hungry.

"Oh come on, you have got to be hungry," Vik sighs.

"Im not," I say hesitantly. I instantly regret snapping at them. What if they hurt me for it. My old adoptive parents would.

I havent really told anyone but I got adopted once by a couple. They abused me though. They called me names. Said profanities. Every single thing that I did, they would hurt me. 6 months later, the police found out and arrested them and brought me back to the orphanage.

Vik sighed and looked at Tobi and Simon.

This is gonna be a long day.

Thats the chapter. Sorry its a little short. I wanna make the chapters a little longer in this story. Fun fact is that I can speak some Spanish, not much but enough to have a short conversation. Also, my favorite color is purple. Haha. ¡Hasta mañana!
~Kayla <3

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