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Hello!! I am gonna be doing chapter inspirations at the beginning of each chapter because I get lots of my ideas from things.

Chapter Inspiration: The one kid who was my good friend and then started to ignore me last week, leaving me feeling guilty that I had done something wrong.


That's what I feel. That's all I feel.

Physically and mentally.

I ran away from Josh and I ran out of the house. He didn't try to chase me though. Wow, they must really hate me.

I ran to a park. A park that brings back bad memories.

Memories that involved me being in pain and the world getting what it wants.

Maybe I just wasn't meant to be in this world. At least not at this time when Harry and the others are here, in my life.

My phone beeps in my pocket. I really done want to look at the message, knowing that it is one of the guys, but I let my curiosity take over.

From: Josh Illuminate

I giggle through my tears, remembering that I had put that as his contact. I then read the message:

I'm so sorry, Alex. Harry is an idiot and if I were him, I would have never told the other guys. If you wanna come back home, it is only me here. Vik ran some errands and Simon is probably out getting drunk. :( We love you very much.

I sigh deeply and rest my head in my hands. I most definitely don't wanna go back to that house, like ever. If I go home, I will have to face Harry eventually and honestly, I would rather not.

Everything I told him. Rebecca. I wonder why JJ still dated Rebecca even after he knew she was hurting me. Why didn't the boys take me out of school if they knew I was being bullied. It just all makes sense now. Everything that Simon said to me during our argument, it was true. They definitely should've adopted someone else that they were willing to care about. I'm just an annoying girl who ruins everything.

I just can't ever get things right.

All of a sudden, I feel this rush of anger and frustration hit me.

I let out the loudest scream that I possibly can and fall to the floor in a heap.

It's ok to cry. It's ok to let my emotions out.


I cry. I cry into my pillow at home.

"Alex, are you all right?" I hear Harold, my brother, ask.

"No," I whimper.

I hear the door open and close.

"I'm so sorry, I feel so weak while crying like this," I sob.

"No, Alex, No. Don't you ever say that you are weak. You are the strongest person that I know. It's ok to cry. It's ok to let out your emotions. It's ok to scream and feel angry, sad, and frustrated because that is how you show that you have been strong for too long. It may seem like nothing will get better and I know in situations like these, it is hard to believe that things will get better, but you have to believe me, they will. After you fall over, you don't just sit there and dwell about what happened. You get back up. You get back up, brush the dirt off of your jeans and you keep moving. And I know that it is hard to do in a world like this, but you have to at least try, Alex. If it doesn't work out, you can say that you tried. And that is all that really matters in the end," my brother says to me as I calm down.


I have to at least try.

And I have to force myself to believe that things will get better.


So, this chapter was kind of emotional. I have just been going through some really tough times recently including health issues, family and friend issues, and school. I was thinking of maybe making a trailer for this story. If you think I should, what free website or app could I use for a PC or IPhone. Or possibly a simple computer. Also, thank you all so so so so so much for 10k+ reads on this story. I love you all soooooooo much.(insert heart symbol here because my PC wont let me)

~ Kayla

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