Tag Challenge

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I got tagged by shanelle7210 to make a tag challenge. Here goes nothing.

October 19, 2002
3 Favorite Colors
3 Favorite Quotes
"We all have jobs to do." -Hershal Greene, The Walking Dead
"They're screwing with the wrong people." -Rick Grimes, The Walking Dead
"Never give up." -Annonymous (I know its like not cliché at all)
Are You Addicted To Youtube?
Of couse.
3 Favorite TV/Youtube series
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead
3 Qualities You Look For In A Friend
Everyone is a great friend no matter what qualities they have.
Do You Like Your Name?
Yes, but literally everyone has the same name as me so it gets confusing sometimes.
If You Had To Choose A Different Name, What Would It Be?
I quite like the name Natalie.
Fantasy Dream?
Zayn never really left One Direction.
Do You Wear Make-up
Nope but my sister always begs me to let her put some on me. She loves to do like cosmotology so that explains a lot.
If You Wrote A Book About Your Life, What Would The Title Be And What Would It Be Mostly About?
The title would be: "Messy, Lazy, and Always Crazy". It would be about how im the messiest, laziest, and craziest person ever.
What Makes You Cry?
The Walking Dead
What Makes You Angry?
The Walking Dead
What Makes You Happy?
The Walking Dead
My friends and family
What is Fangirling?
Fangirling is when a girl loves and is obsessed with something so much that she basically goes insane.
Favorite Snacks
Favorite Foods
Any Mexican Food (im not Mexican but I just really love their food)
Favorite Drinks
Water (water does so much for us. It deserves more attention)
Tell Us About Yourself
I love The Walking Dead.
10 Random Facts About Yourself
•Im 13 years old.
•I have 2 older sisters. (One of them is a half sister)
•I have a dog named Buddy.
•I am a germ freak. I need everything clean.
•I have all accelerated classes except math. I am terrible at math.
•I love The Walking Dead.
•My life is constant stress over stupid things.
•My hair used to be straight but it is turning naturally wavy.
•I can speak Spanish and a little bit of Italian.

That is the tag! I hope im not too boring but you probably learned something about me. I tag ShadowXIII and pleasefolieadont to do this challenge.

I should update a real chapter later today or tomorrow. Have a fantastic weekend!!!!!

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