Betrayal... Once Again

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You guys who read my story are literally the sweetest. The comments that I receive on chapters are so nice and it gives me confidence and motivation. I wish I could be your friends in real life, you are all funny and cheerful and I need more of that in my life. Thank you all so much!!!! Love you!!!!!!

Chapter Inspiration: The kid who I did my English project with who said he did all the work when I wrote the whole thing and he just had to print pictures.

I had no idea how long I stayed at the park but it must have been a long time because Josh started calling me. I really don't want to answer but it's Josh so I feel the need to. So I  answer.

"Hello," I answer, sounding way more annoyed than I thought I would.

"Hey, Alex,  where are you? Why don't you come home and get some food," Josh says calmly through the phone. I think about it for a moment. He is right, I am pretty hungry and it is really cold out here. But who is home with him.

"Who is at home with you?" I ask.

He sighs and says, "Vik. I'm sorry I told him what happened and why you left."

"That's ok," I say. Vik was gonna find out eventually. And it isn't as bad as telling people someone else's secrets.

"So are you gonna come back home," he asks.

"Yeah," I mumble and hang up the phone.

I start walking home, and away from the park that brings back terrible memories.

The journey back home is quite fast but I feel like my hands are freezing off. I get home and I knock on the door. Josh answers right away and pulls me into a tight, warm hug that I cant deny because I'm freezing.

"I'm so sorry, Alex," Josh whispers.

"I already told you that it's ok," I mumble into his chest.

"I know but I've done something else and I'm so sorry," he says.

"What?" I question him as we pull apart from the hug and that is when I see it.


Harry is standing right there.

Oh my gosh. How long was I at the park?

"I'm sorry. I was gonna tell you he was here over the phone but he begged me not to and I gave in," Josh pleads.

"Don't worry, Josh. Just give us some time to talk," I sigh. He sighs also and leaves the room.

It is just awkward silence between the two of us, but to be fair, there really is nothing to be said. He betrayed me and I don't know if I will ever be able to forgive him. But then again, I kind of wanna know more details of why he did this.

"I'm gonna be in the living room if you wanna talk," I nonchalantly say and walk into the living room. I plop myself down on the couch and grab a blanket. Harry then walks in but he doesn't sit, he just stands in front of me.

"I'm so sorry. I feel so dumb and guilty and I never wanted any of this happen and I just wanna be friends with you again. Please forgive me," Harry begs. Ha! I cant believe he actually thinks I will forgive him that easily.

"Where is Vik?" I reply. I smirk in my mind because I completely ignored his apology.

"I told him we were gonna be talking so he should stay upstairs," he sighs. I nod in response.

"Could you please forgive me," he asks again.

"Are you serious Harold? You told all my secrets to the boys without my consent and you just expect me to forgive you like that? It isn't that easy," I shout. He isn't surprised by my sudden outburst, he looks mad, too.

"It can be easy! You just have to let it," he shouts back.

"No, Harry," is all I reply with. 

"I said sorry! Just accept my apology already!" He screams and that is when I feel a cold hand hit my face and a painful sting afterwards. I gasp in pain and hold my cheek. No way.

Harry just slapped me.

I feel tears in my eyes but there is no point in holding them back anymore so I let them fall freely.

I look up at Harry and I can see the regret in his eyes.

"Oh my gosh! Alex, I didn't mean to," he gasps. He tries to pull me into a hug but I just back away as far as possible on the couch and scream.

"Vik! Josh! Help!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I hear frantic footsteps running and then they enter the room, seeing what a mess I am.

"Harry, what did you do!?" Josh yells at Harry. Vik is immediately right next to me, holding me.

"Baby girl, it's ok, you're ok. I'm here now, nothing is gonna hurt you," Vik says. I force myself to believe him because that is what my brother would want me to do.

I can hear Josh and Harry screaming to each other but Vik tries to distract me by saying comforting things. He can clearly tell that it isn't helping so he picks me up bridal style and carries me upstairs. He takes me to his room and lays me on his bed and he lays with me. He holds me close and I push my face into his chest. He runs his hands soothingly through my hair and that is what gets me to calm down and fall asleep.

Only this time, I don't wanna wake up.


:)))))) Have a good day/night.


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