Never Understand

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We got back to the flat and I layed down on the couch. Harry, Cal, and Cal went to Harry's room to edit the video.

I eventually doze off into a not so peaceful sleep.

I see the flashing lights. I hear the cries. But that is all that is happening. It seems like the flashing lights and cries are in a never ending cycle. But I know this sight to well. After the car accident. I start to scream for help but no one comes. I keep screaming until I feel someone shaking me.

"Alex! It's ok," I hear someone say. I open my eyes and see Harry and the Cals standing there behind him.

"It was just a dream. You're ok hun," he says and hugs me. I hold onto him like my life depended on it even though it hurts so bad from the previous fight at the park. I dont want to be reminded of that day. I start crying into his chest and he must know because he starts rubbing circles on my back.

"Everything is ok," he sooths.

"No Harry! Everything is not ok! Everything will never be ok," I shout.

"Shhhhh," he hushes.

He will never understand.

Hey! Sorry it's short. Havent been the happiest person lately. But who cares because I dont have school tomorrow and im getting my braces off!!

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