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Chapter Inspiration: I have been thinking of a chapter like this for a long time. And I'm sorry to say it, but this is the beginning of the end. Meaning that the end of this story is near.


Before you start reading, I just want to thank you all for 40k reads. That is amazing and I cant thank you guys enough for all of the wonderful feedback that I receive. <3

It has been five months since JJ told of Christina and I couldn't be more happier. Christina has left me alone at school and I even made a best friend named Hannah. She was the one who told me how amazing I was for standing up to Christina. (Omg who remembers her? She was mentioned in the chapter titled 'christina') She sat next to me at lunch one day and that is how we became best friends.

Final exams are coming up and I have been a nervous wreck. So currently, Hannah and I are laying on the floor of my bedroom comparing our answers on our math study guide.

"What did you get for question two?" I ask Hannah.

"36.7," Hannah replies.

"Ok good. I got that, too," I say as I close my textbook.

"I'm tired. Let's take a break from studying," she says. I nod in agreement and push my papers to the side and rest my head on the floor.'

"I'm so stressed for the exams," I whine.

"You'll do great!" Hannah pats me on the back. I laugh a little because of her enthusiasm.

"I still haven't decided if I want to go through with the whole America thing. I haven't told the boys yet," I sigh.

"I'm nervous, too. This is a big decision. You should tell the boys. I told my parents and they are letting me think about what I really want to do before we speak about it," she explains.

"You're right, I'll tell them tonight because all of them will be here," I say, "I'm just worried about their reaction."

"They are chill, I'm sure they will be fine with it," she assures.

Ring Ring

Hannah's phone starts ringing.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Yeah, ok. See ya," she says then hangs up.

"My mom says it's time for me to come home," she rolls her eyes and stands up. I stand up also and hug her.

"Do you want a ride home?" I ask. That also happened! I got my drivers license!

"No, I'm fine," she replies and gets her stuff, "Bye! Don't forget to tell the boys!"

"Bye! I wont," I say as she runs down the stairs and out of the house. She is pretty crazy but I am, too so it's ok.


Later that night, all the boys came over to hang out.

We are all scattered around the kitchen, eating pizza as usual.

"Are you nervous for exams?" Harry asks me. I nod and sigh because I'm just so stressed about everything.

"Awww. You'll do so good. Don't worry about them," Harry coos as he hugs me. Wow I love his hugs.

"Which reminds me," I say as I Harry and I pull away, "I need to tell you guys something."

I feel so scared but I have all of their attention now. It's now or never. (This reminded me of that one High School Musical song omg)

"Hannah and I were thinking about moving to America this summer," I say shakily, "and finish school there, also."

I look around at all the boys and I see shocked and concerned expressions on their faces. Oh no. I knew they would be mad at me.

"Wait," Tobi starts, "where is this coming from. What made you think about this?"

"I don't know. Hannah and I just thought it would be cool," I shrug. The boys still look very shocked,

"You just turned 17. You are still classified as a child, Alex. What makes you think you can wander to a whole new country alone," Josh points out.

"I wont be alone, though, I will be with Hannah," I argue. I look over to Harry who looks at me with an apathetic expression. I give him a confused glance and he takes a deep breath.

"I don't know about this, Alex," Simon says. I sigh and feel like I'm on the verge of tears. I told Hannah this wouldn't work.

"I think we should let her," Harry blurts out. I give him a big smile and he smiles back.

"Out of all people, I did not expect to hear that from you, Harry. Why?" Ethan asks.

"I trust her. I think she will make smart decisions. She is a very intelligent girl and I think she will be fine," he replies.

"Thanks, Harry," I giggle.

"Are you sure? She will have to get an apartment and find a job. She has never even had a job before," JJ says.

"But Hannah and I have been looking at apartments and schools in Florida and I think the money we saved up together will let us be able to do it. We could even pay for the plane ride! Please," I explain and beg.

They all exchange worried glanced.

"Harry is closest to her out of all of us. I say we should let her go," Vik chimes in. I smile at him and he returns it.

The others hesitantly nod in agreement. I jump up in excitement and say, "Thank you guys so much! I love you."

I go around the room and give each boy a hug. Well that went better than expected.


Hey. Sorry it took a while to get this chapter up. Have a good week!


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