run away

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later that day, i was sitting on the couch, snuggled into vik's side while rebecca was still at our house, snuggled into jj's side on the opposite couch while the others were scattered on the floor because there is only two love seats.

they were talking about fifa or something when rebecca asked me if i could show her one of my stories that i had written. obviously, jj encouraged it so i had to bring that bitch to my room again.

when we got there, she shut the door behind her and then she turned to face me. she looked me up and down before she slapped me on my right cheek. i cried out in pain and she just smirked and said, "that is for being rude to christina." she turns back around and opens the door.

"oh and dont tell anyone about this," she says with a fake smile and sashays down the hall and downstairs. i just stand there. i cant believe she did that to me. it brings back memories from that one couple who adopted me and just hurt me. i hold my cheek and just stare in awe at nothing. i dont wanna go back downstairs. i just need some fresh air. i need to get away from everyone.

i run downstairs and i run out the door. im not sure where im going but i do know that im technically running away from home.

hello. tomorrow is friday and i need a well deserved break from everything. im suffering from cramps right now bye.

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