Chapter 5

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I went into the bathroom. I had a friend request from Hunter on facebook. Along with a couple other jocks. I declinded. I didnt want to be apart of them. They seemed like they were jerks to everybody except themselves. I didnt like that. I checked a couple other things and flushed. I sat up. Opening the stall, I hit my hip on the latch that closed the door. I cursed under my breath. I lifted my shirt in the mirror and seen blood. If I didnt cover it it would bleed right through my white shirt. I grabbed some paper towel and dabbed the blood. I threw it away, along with the note from my locker. I walked out. I gasped. Nick was standing next to the drinking fountain. Which had been right next to the womens bathroom. His head was high. As if he was smelling something. Was he on drugs? Was he high? I turned to run twoards the cafeteria before he noticed me. Once I was inside. It was like everybody's eyes were on me. Nobdoy was really looking at me, but I felt like that everytime I walked into a room. I sat back down eager to talk to these girls.
"Before you start introducing yourselves, I have a serious problem. Can I talk to you lacey?" She nodded her head and we stepped into the hallway.
"Whats wrong?"
"Ok, this nick kid? Hes following me everywhere I go. I feel like he's always watching me! In fact, he is! That and he was standing next to the girls bathroom when I walked out. He wont leave me alone. Am I being paranoid? It's the first day of school and I'm already panicking about this." She looked at me with sad eyes.
"I'm sorry this is happening...what do you want me to do?"
"I dont know! Its really starting to make me nervous. I haven't even been here for 24 hours and I'm already wanting to move." I said the last part louder than I should have. I scanned the hallways to make sure no teachers heard it.
"Listen, just Ignore him ok? This is too weird. Ever since you got here he hasn't talked to as many people as he usually does. He usually is always with the-"
"Speaking of the football players, I'm pretty sure Hunter asked me out."
"HUNTER?! NUMBER 19 ON THE FEILD?" She said. My eyes widen.
"SHH!" I hushed her.
"Sorry! But even for me, even though he's such a jerk. He's so hot"
"I dont think so."
"Well I do." She said a sparkle in her eye.
"Im not going anyway. This is already to much for me to handle." I said. Walking away from the lunchroom and outside to blue benches where I could cool off.

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