Chapter 3

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I got up as soon as the bell rang.
"One more hour until lunch." I thought. Maybe a way to get away from him. Find some girls like me to sit with. I made it to my third hour and sat down. I had a blonde haired girl sit next to me.
"Hi! Im lacey! You must be the new girl? Orca?"
"Yep. Thats me!" I said.
"Thats a cool name!" She said.
"Thanks! My name is actually Nira..but, orca is what I prefer I guess." she smiled.
"You have lunch next hour?"
"Me too. Maybe you can sit next to me and my friends."
"Thats sounds great!" I said. Then there was a feeling in my gut.
"Mm hmmm?"
"This is going to sound crazy but, Who is..Nick?"
"Nick Grant?"
"Dark hair..dark eyes?"
"Thats him." She stared off into the distance. I needed to know more about this kid. Why was he always staring at me? Was he known for this?
"Try and maybe stay out of his way. Why do you ask?" She said, worry in her tone.
"He was staring at me. Like, the whole hour."
"That's-that's um, unusual. Try and stay out of his way, he's known to hang out with the popular guys. The ones who beat up "nerds?" She quoted herself.
"Thats what I was thinking"
"Maybe he likes you!" She said.
"I guess..." In a way, it felt cool to know that somebody thought I was attractive. I thought I was ugly. I got zits and pimples every other day, the only thing I was confident about was my body and personality. Last year, I felt bad for people that had to look at my face. I began thinking to myself.
"Alright Nira, let's recap. Nick Grant. Can't get him off my mind. Because 1, He might have a crush on me. 2, He will not stop looking at me. And 3, He hangs out with the football players. I decided to ignore the fact he might be in my lunch or in my other hours. I tried to get my mind of this kid who was crazy.

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