Chapter 44

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We got in the car and I was so excited. I was shaking. Ready to see him. The drive took forever, but when we pulled up to his house, my stomach dropped. His house was very huge. Made up of burgundy wood. My moms mouth gaped.
"Is this it?" I did my best to act normal so she couldnt change her mind. I knew who I was dealing with. And I'd talk to him no matter the consequences or dangers.
"Yep! Thanks mom love ya." I opened the door and watched as mom drove off. I examined the house skeptically. Foggy windows, tall, an attic window, dark short grass, cement path leading to the 5 steps, no flowers, only two chairs on the deck sat alone. It was about 8 o clock, and it was pretty dark. There was a bay window and the wooden door was closed tightly. My heart was pounding and my hands were clammy. I took a breath and walked up what I expected to be squeaky stairs, but they werent loud whatsoever. I left my shivering hand up to the door. And knocked.
I sat and waited for him or his parents to open the door. Oh my god. Did Hunter give me his address? Am I at hunters house? Just when my thoughts were in its darkest spot, the door clicked. And the door opened. Revealing a long lost boy. His eyes were on the floor, he looked up seen me, and his pupils grew 10x as big. I smiled. My voice was barely able to say anything. His smell danced through my nose. Maybe thats why he always seemed to smell the air around me. Maybe I smelled good to him.
I was speechless. And he was trying to smile but he couldnt.
"Why are you here? You cant be here." His deep voice made my day. But him pulling me into his dark house scared me. He gabbed me and shut the door, locking it.
"Shh...." He covered my eyes and I awkwardly let him trail me through the house.

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