Chapter 24

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I woke up. Feeling refreshed. My mom had already started making breakfast, so I ate and got ready. I wore a red sweater and jeans. Small amounts of makeup. It was exactly 12 when nick came and knocked on the door. Oh shoot. I forgot to tell my mom and dad.
"Who's that Orca?"
"A friend. Were going to the park to study..."
"Have fun and be safe!" she (thankfully) didn't open the door. I opened it. He wore a black sweatshirt and jeans. His hair swept to the side like normal, his weird eyes were a deep red today.
"Hello Orca." He said. His voice was deep and whined.
"Hey." We began walking down the side walk. It was very awkward.
"I like the color of your sweater."
"Thanks." I turned around and seen him watching me closely again, I was walking in front if him. So he could see my everymove, I felt as if he was starring at my butt, so I slowed down.
"I wasnt watching you..." He said quietly. Shit.
"I know, I just-"
"Im not Hunter."
"I know."
"I can tell that's why you stopped and turned around. I know thats why you looked back at me so many times. Your pupils dialate when you stand by me, which indicates that you are just as fond of me, as I am of you." What was he Sherlock Holmes?
"What are you saying?" I half giggled, because it was cute and I was nervous. He said it all with a grin on his face and a blank stare.
"You know what I said. I know what you think of me." I stopped in my tracks. And my heart was pounding. Had I made it to obvoius?
"What do you mean?"
"You think I'm weird. You think I watch you because your not only beautiful, but so mysteroius. You think I follow you around, you think I stalk you in my free time. That all might be true. But I want you to know how I really feel about you..." How he really feels?
"Go ahead." I said.
"You are beautiful. You are mysterious. You have an easy mind, you have a hard time believing things you cant see. You know I am different, and thats what makes you enjoy my presence so much. Thats why I want you to---" he stopped.
"Sorry..." He said.
"For what?"
"Telling you your own secrets."
"I'm just really confused." I said, walking again.
"Maybe one day you will know my secrets. Maybe one day we will be close enough."
Oh god.

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