Chapter 37

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The bell rang. I stood by the door and waited for nick to come out. The expression on his face made me feel even worse. He looked so happy, his eyes had darkened and weren't as red anymore. Was I the only one who seen these red eyes of his? Was I the only one to notice them?
"Why were you crying? I nearly got up and carried you out-"
"I dont know."
"Theres been to many I dont knows lately, Orca. I cant-" We stopped in the middle of the halls. People were pouring out of classrooms, hurringly wanting to get to lunch.
"I need you." He said. His voice was deeper than ever, and grumbled. I stood there. Feeling liquid in my eyes again.
"I need you, more than you would ever know." He started walking again. Holding me by my shoulder, gently.
"You keep teling me that im doing something wrong-when I've changed."
"Changed?" I let that accidently pour out.
"Yes. I have changed. I tried my best not to follow you, but I need you Orca. I have to have you."
"Tell my why. Seroiusly Nick, what would you do if you heard that? I have to have you. How would that make YOU feel hmm? I understand your not the normal cup of joe but come on, try to feel me! Im sometimes terrified of you! Scared to catch you in the halls and see that stare you give me. Nick, please." He stood there. I almost let the biggest secret out.
"Lets just go." He took a deep breath and we sat down at our table. He went get our food and came back.
"So, ive been wanting to ask you something..."

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