Chapter 39

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I made it home. And cried myself into a nap. I couldnt eat, I couldn't talk, I cant do anything.
***later that night****
Its midnight. I cant sleep. I cant bare looking at Nicks face again the way I left him. I need to hug him, I need to smell his cologne, I need to take back what I said, I should have just left it the way it all was. I hate myself. Theres no way Nick could take me now. He wont even want me. No matter how many times he said he'd never give up on me. I remember him saying;
"Maybe someday Nira, maybe someday..." all the time. I remember him giving me that look. I cant. I need sleep, but I cant.
***2 months pass, regular school days and weekends***
Nick hasnt came to school since that day. Nick hasnt been here for 2 months. He left me to suffer in hell for 2 months alone. Lila and me are closer than ever, but I need nick. What have I done? Not a day goes by when I dont think of him. His dark hair, crazy eyes, cologne, black hoodie, and his warm hug. I cant let him do this to me. What I did was right. I made the right descision. I told him how I really felt. His birthday was 39 days ago. I wonder how he spent it. Alone? With people? Is he obsessing over some other girl? The thought of it makes me jelous. Even though we weren't together. The rumor is that Nick moved. He deleted his facebook, he blocked me on his phone. Are his pictures of me gone? Did he burn the drawing to? Does he re-read our last conversation over and over again? Does he want to come back? Is he dead? So many questions fill my mind it starts to give me a headache. I need somebody to talk to. I need  person who will let me vent these crazy feelings, I need a nick. But ill have to talk to Lila.

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