Chapter 28

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Seconds after the bell rang the teacher walked in laughing, behind her came Nick smiling away with her.
"Alright guys, go ahead and take out the homework from yesterday. Hopefully you all understood it." Nick scanned the room and his eyes locked on me. He smiled and came and sat next to me. He smiled.
"Hey!" His attitude towards me changed so much in the past week.
"Why were you late?" I asked, I glanced towards Hunter who hadn't even looked our way. He swallowed hard and looked away, as if he was hoping id avoid that question.
"Nothing. Just woke up late." I took out the homework and set it on the table. He glanced at it. Smiling.
"Why did you smile?" I asked again.
"I love your name. It sounds like, like zen music, like rain at night, like the soft wind." as he said that, he stared into the distance. Licking his lips, and his pupils dilated. He faced towards me, almost looking like a zombie that seen a brain. He looked like he was high. Which I knew he wasnt, maybe weird things just turned him on.
"Oh, well thanks."
The teacher began talking,
"Alright, answers up on the board, any questions?" The class fell silent and got to work. Except for Hunter and the brunett chick. They kept giggling. I could hear them, whispering things to eachother then laughing. I looked at Nick out of the corner of my eye, trying to see if he looked nervous. His hand was veiny and flexed. His knuckles buldged and he snapped the pencil he had. He wasnt even looking at it. He was staring at the board. The class turned at the sudden snap. He stood up and got another one from the bin. He sat down apologizing to me. I felt bad for him. I put my hand on his shoulder, I felt him tense up. He stood up straight and he breathed in through his teeth. He smiled while closing his eyes and yet again licking his lips.
"Its fine, dont worry about them." I said ignoring the fact he was standing. What the hell was he doing?
"You probably should let go."
"Whats wrong?" I took my hand away in caution feeling bad, as if I hurt him.
"Nothing. Just, I have a bad shoulder..." And me parting it is going to make it worse?
"Maybe one day..." He said.
"Maybe one day." He repeated.

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